Replacement Propeller

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Roger Seals

I'm looking for 321 owners with suggestions for replacement folding props to improvement performance under power and sail. I'm basically a cruiser.
Jan 18, 2004
Beneteau 321 Houston
Folding props

Just went through this exercise a few months ago, and decided to stay with the stock prop. Motoring performance with the standard 3 blade prop is pretty good and will not improve much with a folder. Maybe a bit less prop walk. The only significant difference will be reduction in drag when under sail. If your thing is racing, it might be worth the bucks to you. Look at the Kiwi prop. About 1/2 the price of the premium 3 blade feathering props. Conversion to a 2 blade folder or feathering prop (IMHO) would not be worth the cost. Jon McClain s/v Parrot Tales, B321
Jun 4, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 461 Raby Bay Queenland Australia
Be careful what you choose

Hi Jon, I just went through the exercise in July and unfortunately it did not work out as well as expected. At my annual haulout I placed a brand new feathering prop on my beneteau 461. I had the shaft removed, new cutlass bearing and a check on the shaft to ensure it was straight. I got an expert to fit and check the prop. Back into the water, OH NO, bad vibration that got worse with increased revs. Phone call to the prop manufacture said the tech must have not lined up the blades as instructions, I put the tech on the phone who assured them they had. Lift the boat out again, nothing appears wrong. Decision time, old prop back on and returned the new prop. End result no vibration with old prop. Manage to get my money back on new prop, but they wanted to charge me $150 to remove anti fouling and make saleable again. With the additional haulout and mechanics fees I was already $800 out of pocket. They returned my money, but I lost $800. So unless you have a real need for an extra 1/2 knot, I wouldn't bother. Regards Mike G


I disagree

I also have a 321, and I installed a Flex-0-Fold 2-blade which was about $800. I too had some vibration, but it turned out to be the shaft not in alignment with the engine. Once I fixed that, its very smooth. Not as smooth as a 3-blade fixed, but a 3-blade is going to naturally be smoother than a 2-blade anyway. The upside is the extra speed under sail, which may only be 1/2 knot in a good breeze, but what about in light air?? I also don't have a free-wheeling prop wearing out my gearbox all the time. I guess it comes down to personal choice, but I'd rather have a folder than a fixed myself. JMO! Tim
Jun 25, 2004
Islander 36 San Francisco
I agree with Mike G.

I have to agree with Mike G. I have seen folding props cause problems time and again. I would only recommend them if you are very much into serious racing. If you are out there (like me these days) in the beer can races I would stay away from folding props. --Dan
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