I’m replacing bungs on my teak deck and as I remove old chipped ones it looks like they were maybe a credit card thick. I assumed bungs should have some “substantial” depth but I’m not sure what’s standard. y question is how deep should the screw be? How deep should the bung sit?
Also, confused about drilling after removing screw. Articles that I have read and videos that I have reviewed say to remove the screw and drill in with a slightly bigger drill bit. This means every time I replace one I need to size up on the bungs. I’m at 3/8” now I see 7/16” available and then 1/2”
Seems wrong to upsize the hole every time is this correct?
For completeness the process that I am looking to follow is 1.remove screw 2. drill hole slightly deeper 3. Add epoxy 4. replace screw 5. Add more epoxy 6. add bun. (Saw and sand) - i believe that this is the standard process. Please let me know if I’m missing anything.
I have seen some videos where they do not replace the screw but drill until you hit fiberglass then just add epoxy and the bung. This process makes me nervous. Although I wish it worked as I think it would be simpler.
Thanks for any assistance.
Also, confused about drilling after removing screw. Articles that I have read and videos that I have reviewed say to remove the screw and drill in with a slightly bigger drill bit. This means every time I replace one I need to size up on the bungs. I’m at 3/8” now I see 7/16” available and then 1/2”
Seems wrong to upsize the hole every time is this correct?
For completeness the process that I am looking to follow is 1.remove screw 2. drill hole slightly deeper 3. Add epoxy 4. replace screw 5. Add more epoxy 6. add bun. (Saw and sand) - i believe that this is the standard process. Please let me know if I’m missing anything.
I have seen some videos where they do not replace the screw but drill until you hit fiberglass then just add epoxy and the bung. This process makes me nervous. Although I wish it worked as I think it would be simpler.
Thanks for any assistance.