Repairing blisters

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Mike Mckendry

I am getting ready to haul my boat and work on some small blisters. I plan to grind out the 20-30 or so blisters that are dime sized. I will then let them dry out before filling them in and repainting. Any secrets or suggestions?

Bob Camarena

West System

Check out the West System. They have a well written pamphlet on the subject to go along with their high quality materials.

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina


I found my Dremel tool to be invaluable for popping boat zits. You have terrific control & don't have to grind a monster divit out of your hull, just one slightly larger than the blister itself. Make sure you get all the way down to dry glass before quitting. Use West Systems &, as Bob mentioned, get their pamphlet. Have fun (yuck!) LaDonna

Jeff Walker

when little blisters get half dollar size

My '30 had dime size blisters for years but when they started gettin big I bit the bullet and ground off all of the gelcoat, let dry for 2 months, coated the glass Interlux epoxy seal coat, and replaced the gel coat. It's been 5 years now and no blisters. My wallet was lightened by $4000 but I had re-negotiated the price down with the seller when I first discovered them during the survey. I don't believe they would have ever created a structural problem because they were between the fiberglass and the gel coat but I hated seeing them everytime I pulled the boat.
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