Removing furler foils without replacing the forestay?

Aug 12, 2013
Catalina 320 Vancouver
I'm at the beginning of assessing what is needed to fix a dent in the upper foil of the new to me Benteau 40. The previous owner touched a nearby bridge enough to put a small dent in the foil, but not hard enough to damage the rig in a meaningful way (i was there, he was operating the boat and it was painful to watch). The dent is sufficient to halt the progress of raising the foresail so needs attention.

I have quote from a local rigger of $6000 which seems excessive to me so am investigating the option of a DYI. I have several helpers and we have a mast tower at our disposal if that helps.

First questions: Is it safe to assume the furler and foils that will need to be removed come off the end of the forestay without having to disassemble the construction of the forestay itself? Meaning it won't have to be cut and recrimped (which would basically mean replaced).

Does this sound about right for basic steps:
- untension the rig
- use 1 or even better 2 halliards to take the forestay's job
- unsecure the forestay from the boat
- slide off the furler device and successive foils to access the dented one
- replace the foil with a new one.
- re-assemble
- get a rigger to tune the rig (apparently about $300 in our area)

What am I missing? What gotcha's might be expected? Is more information needed to asses? Is model of furler important? It's 2008 vintage.

Looking forward to feedback from those who have done this or something like this themselves.

Much appreciated.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
The furler model is essential information, some furlers cannot be easily removed from the forestay, others can. The forestay and the connections should be evaluated for damage from the bridge strike.

Tuning a rig is not all that difficult, it is a good skill to have. It is not all that difficult, just a bit time consuming and tedious. There are good tuning guides out there. If you do hire a rigger to do the job, get him to teach you as he tunes it.
Aug 12, 2013
Catalina 320 Vancouver
The furler model is essential information, some furlers cannot be easily removed from the forestay, others can. The forestay and the connections should be evaluated for damage from the bridge strike.

Tuning a rig is not all that difficult, it is a good skill to have. It is not all that difficult, just a bit time consuming and tedious. There are good tuning guides out there. If you do hire a rigger to do the job, get him to teach you as he tunes it.
Profurl C350

May 29, 2018
Canel 25 foot Shiogama, japan
Hi Paul.
With a tower this should be doable.
As Dave has mentioned, the make and model of the furler would help.
RE: (A)- slide off the furler device and successive foils to access the dented one
(B)- replace the foil with a new one.

(A) Some foils will slide off and some have the end fitting pressed onto the forestay after the foil is slided (?) onto the stay.
If the latter the you will have to cut the stay to remove the foil. Not the end of the world as it will allow you to examine the damaged area of the stay.

To refit you can use the old stay and fit a Noresman type fitting. These are of proven strength and safety.

(B) Foils can be straightened (saving money and downtime). Damage to the internal track of the foil can be repaired. But if you go down the path of adding a new foil section, order it well in advance and be sure that it fits before committing to the forestay removal.

Aug 12, 2013
Catalina 320 Vancouver
Thanks Gary. Much appreciated. So is my expectation the end to the forstay will fit up through the foil or does it come off and on the forstay wire without a crimping process? I've never had my hands one one of thses before.

And yes a part of me is hoping there will be a way to pull out the dents. But I know I have to be careful as I don't want to risk tearing the sail.
May 29, 2018
Canel 25 foot Shiogama, japan
Looks like the foils slide up from the bottom.
This will be a bit like a puzzle, but patience will see you through.
As you work through it, remember that $6000 quote.
That will make things bearable.