Registering an O'Day Javelin in Mass.

  • Thread starter Richard J. O'Connor
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Richard J. O'Connor

I am purchasing an O'Day Javelin. I am trying to get an answer to the following question but am having trouble. "Do you have to register a 14' O'Day Javelin in Mass? The owner says no and he has no title with the boat. The agency that registers boats in Mass. wasn't very clear about what has to be done. The woman I spoke to had to speak to her supervisor and then gave me the info second hand. She said if it is a square back boat that can handle a motor it must be registered and the owner must provide a title. Does anyone out there in Mass have a 14' Javelin and did you have to register it? Thanks for any responses. Dick


Ma. registration

I believe in Ma. you do not have to register your sail boat, Unless you have a motor. If you have a motor it does have to be registered and you would have to have a title.

Rod Johnson

Massachusetts Registration?

Massachusetts only requires MOTORBOATS to be registered, typical Taxachusetts style, any boat with a motor is a "motorboat" even if the motor (gas, steam, diesel, electric, etc) is not the primary source of propulsion. If you do not have an engine, you DO NOT need registration (yet). However, ALL boats 14' LOA and larger, MUST be titled in Massachusetts. Since the JAVELIN is 14' LOA and not 13' 11.999999999", you will need to apply for a title, and in all truth....the previous owner must have a title in order to sell the boat to you, you will turn in the previous owner's title (signed over to you) when you apply for the title in your name. The titling fee is a one time cost of $15. I don't own a Javelin, but I do have a Day Sailer II, and went through the titling/registration ordeal 4 years ago. I do still keep up to date about registering/titling boats in this state. I lucked out, the previous owner had been issued a title, but said he never received it.... the woman in the Fall River office (of the DLE) was able to give me the previous title # (I was also lucky to have a copy of the title application filled out by the prev. owner.) and the prev. owner was able to get a duplicate title that he then signed over to me (duplicate cost him $5).
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