I am at a total lose on this frikking thing!
I was merely passing on what viking instruments told me. they are a factory authorized repair shop for several manufacturers. since i don't have a clue how to post their web site, just google compass repair parts and their site will be one of the first to come up. as to leaking there's not too many places for the fluid to leak out, as a matter of fact only three, unless the lens or body is cracked. one is the o ring seal on the lens, two is the gasket on the fill screw, three is the expansion diaphragm. as for a bubble i don't think that will be a problem since they are bulkhead mounted. as for evactuating it with a vac pump, that is an impossibility given that there isn't any valve to close it off after evactuation. there is merely a fill screw on the back side to put the fluid in. hey i'm just going to give it a shot and see what happens. I just got some mineral oil from the drug store which cost me $1.82. i only have that to lose. oderless mineral spirits might work but i'm inclined to try the oil first.S/V Que Pasa?