Recommended standing rigging tension

Jun 27, 2017
Hunter H26 Olympia
I just bought a 1998 H26 and finished tightening the shrouds. There isn't any specific details in the manuals as to how tight the shrouds should be (other than bending the mast slightly towards the bow).

What works best for tensioning the standing rigging? Uppers equal, lowers equal? Is there a % of tension strength (based on using the Loos&Co tension gauge) that you should strive to reach? On my boat the upper seem to tolerate more tension than the lowers.

Oct 29, 2005
Hunter Marine 326 303 Singapore
I believe it's 12-17% breaking strength of the steel wire.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
send me a privat email via forum with phone number and location. I will call and advise as I was very much involved with the boats as a dealer and much more selling about 20% of the production line.
Jun 27, 2017
Hunter H26 Olympia
I also think my headstay is too loose. It is tightened as far as it can go, but on a starboard tack it thumps pretty hard (makes me nervous). Maybe the top shrouds are too tight, and I should loosen them to fit the 12-17% reading (right now they are about 22%). Any thoughts?
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Spoke with the gentleman last night advising how I use to do this. He is to send a couple of photos at my request.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Received photos and will post as soon as I ge them onto my computer. We have a lot to help this fellow out but the forestay turnbuckle is on the outside of the FF2 drum, not encapsulated as it is designed for by the upper drum portion.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Photos received from this new owner shows the following from the previous owner.

The mast is raked forward with the studs all the way down in the forestay turnbuckle of the H 26.
The turnbuckle is below the CDI FF2 drum with the drum secured by wire to the turnbuckle.

Not only was the mast not tuned right, but the biggest thing that concerns me is where the forestay enters the drum and that alone could be unsafe with the wire exposed and possibly metal and or plastic cutting the strands of the forestay for a potential failure.

I have asked @worich24 for additional photos of the shroud turnbuckles to see the depth of the studs in the turnbuckle itself and forwarded the link to the manual of the FF2 furler. He has my phone number and we did talk which resulted in the first set of photos. I wanted to see in addition what is going on if the shrouds are fully turned into the turnbuckle body. From there then I can advise.

Cannot figure out why my cell phone will not foreward thos darn photos to my computer but if I do will post them. Just waiting on this new owner to respond. As always, all information as to contact is private and disposed of when problem solved or my assistance no longer needed. Only if you knew and one was a President.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
finally loaded them up and here is what the previous owner had for set up. Waiting on a couple of more and then will need help to advise. The manual was sent to him on the furler.
Hunter 26 forestay.JPG
Hunter 26 forestay.JPG
Jun 27, 2017
Hunter H26 Olympia
I am working on getting updated pics, but to be clear .. there is no metal to metal contact between the forestay and the furler-can (it's secured - albeit not as designed).
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
The big concern would be inside of that drum if the actual forestay wires are twisting which no one can see. Thhis is my main concern. Either way once I get the addl. photos so I have a full picture, I will be working with this new owner to help correct the situation. I have used this furler from the very first since it was introduced.