Our companionway hatch slides fine when our mast is detuned or unstepped. But when the mast is up and tuned, the companionway hatch slider sticks as it approaches the bulkhead. It seems to sit lower in its tracks, as if it's in tension between the them, thereby increasing the friction on the bottom and the sides.
This condition arose when we upgraded our mainsail traveler from curved to straight.
Has anyone else experienced this? I have used a rig tuning gauge to insure I'm not overloading the rig. Is the hull changing shape that much from standing rig load?
Has anyone rebuild the hatch slide rails to include stainless or Delrin rails?
Thanks for any insight.
Our companionway hatch slides fine when our mast is detuned or unstepped. But when the mast is up and tuned, the companionway hatch slider sticks as it approaches the bulkhead. It seems to sit lower in its tracks, as if it's in tension between the them, thereby increasing the friction on the bottom and the sides.
This condition arose when we upgraded our mainsail traveler from curved to straight.
Has anyone else experienced this? I have used a rig tuning gauge to insure I'm not overloading the rig. Is the hull changing shape that much from standing rig load?
Has anyone rebuild the hatch slide rails to include stainless or Delrin rails?
Thanks for any insight.