May 17, 2014
hunter 380 Plano, TX
Just got a deal on a used Tohatsu 20hp that will hang on a WM 350 rib. Prop had a few dings so I will keep it as a spare but looking at a new one for best all around. Leaning toward the 3 blade 9.25x11p but interested in real world opinions.

Thanks in advance
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Good plan. My understanding is the higher pitch prop will increase your top-end speed but reduce your acceleration, i.e., hole-shot. Below is Tohatsu 20hp prop selection guide. As a former water skier I replaced my stock prop with one that gave be better hole-shot.

Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
You might find post #16's performance with a 9.25x11p heplful.

May 24, 2004
CC 30 South Florida
Only one right prop size for a boat/engine combo. The right prop size is the one you can find that allow the engine to reach the closest to its maximum rated RPM without exceeding it. The only proven system is to try a few but not a service provided by most prop retailers. Determine the size of the prop you have and how does it allow the engine to rev at WOT, if it is short a few hundred RPM get one with a lower pitch but if it is reaching maximum RPM and wanting to still go then go the a higher pitch. Remember loads will affect top RPM. Best to prop for light loads.