Re: [AlbinVega] Careening for bottom paint

Oct 30, 2019
I think it's a good idea and would be interested in the same thing -- if
anyone has experience with it. Is there a wharf or pilings nearby you
could careen next to -- you could make fender boards and lean her over
only slightly -- the safe way they always did with bigger boats in the

The other thing I've thought of doing is either using boat stands set up
fast with a team of people in the water as the tide goes out (sounds
scary, though, were the boat to tip later and fall if a stand sunk in
the mud) -- or, someday, knocking together a simple cradle into which
the boat could be floated. Such a cradle could be dragged onto the beach
or levered onto a small boat trailer. I've got photos (to guide the one
I'll build some day) of a Vega sitting on a very simple home-built wood
cradle in Northeast Harbor, Maine, if anyone is interested. Or maybe
that Vega owner is on the list or known to it? I believe the boat's name
is Valhalla?

doug.taylor@... wrote: