Raising the mast on a Catalina 27

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Have you ever raised a mast on a Catalina 27? I just had my boat launched mast down because the boatyard was giving me a hard time. The first quote was $320, then $290 then the clincher $275 for the crane and we don't know how long it will take to put it up, maybe $200 worth of labor. I do have a plan. At my marina theres a swing out crane that many say has been used to raise mast. I have about 7 big guys coming, 2 of these have had experience. The plan is to run a line at the spreaders then thru the eye on the crane down to the jib block and winch. Then winch her up while the guys lift and stabilize. Any suggestions? Comments? The alternative is to motor the boat 4 hours to a yard who will raise it for a reasonable $.

Echo Gulf

It works fine

This sounds very similar to the system we use on all the keel boats in our area. We use a looped strap under the spreaders with a haul down line to retrieve it when the mast is up. Position your boat so that when the line hangs free from the crane it is over the mast step. Let the winch do the lifting, use 2 or 3 bodies on the deck to organise shroud lines and to walk the heel of the mast to the step as it raises. Most important, designate one person to maintain a firm grasp on the heel of the mast at all times!!! It has never happened on any of the C27's but, I ve seen one mast seriously damaged when all the deck hands let go. We go through this routine every spring and fall (cause the lake freezes), with three experience crew members most masts are free standing within 15 minutes. Remember to make any mast electrical connections prior to final stepping.



Thank you for your advice. I'll let you know how it goes. Lorrie


Try an A-frame - Don't use spreaders!

Lorrie, go to Bob Deurer's wonderful Catalina 27 modification page to see a very detailed set of plans and instructions for building and operating a Mast A-Frame. Total cost shouldn't be more than $20, it's portable, and you can do it right in your slip with 2 - 4 people. Even if you still decide to use the crane, READ THE ARTICLE. It will show you how to keep the mast BALANCED, STABLE and CONTROLLED during the procedure. Be prepared for an "Aha" moment when you check this out at: http://member.aol.com/bobdeuer/mod-r3.htm The suggestion is to lift the mast from the lower mast cleat rather than the spreaders. A noose in the lifting line near the center of gravity(appox. 1 foot below spreaders) and a crew holding the tail of the lift line at the base will allow for a more controlled lift. Have a block ready next to the step to stand the mast on while you are connecting any electricals. Good Luck


Mast is up!!

Thank you Joe and Echo Gulf. Joe, I was unable to get to the web address you listed. As it turned out the crane was too low to balance the mast. So we put my friends 41 ft. ketch along side the Catalina and hoisted the mast straight up (with his halyard) keeping it away from his rigging with a line that was secured to the pier. We had two men controlling the mast base and when it was all the way up (about 2 in above the mast step) we made the electrical connections, lowered it and quickly fastened all the shrouds and stays. Within 2 hours we were sailing her on the straits. It's all on video and I hope to get it on the web someday.


another option

I raised the mast on my 30 with a crane that was below the spreaders! All you need to do is weight the base of the mast and tie a loop to a long rope so it can run up the mast then cleat it offf at the base of the mast. Attach the crane to the loop to run it up the mast (recommend another small loop off the big loop for the crane hook). The mast only weighs about 200 on my 30 so a 27 mast is likely 150 or less. Glad to see you did not let the yard jerk you at those prices. In California they quote 60 an hour with an hour minimum. Richard


Unofficial Cat 27 website address...

Lorrie, good job on the mast raising. The information on this website is indispensible for any C 27 owner. Spend some time there as soon as possible. Catalina 27 Unofficial Website. http://www.geocities.com/catalina+27/
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