radio help

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i have a 25 and the radio receives fine but i cannot send. the antenna up the mast works fine as we checked that. any ideas? thanks! or

Tom Ehmke

How old is the radio?

If you have an older radio and accidently turned it on without having it attached to the antenna, you may have damaged something in the transmit part of the VHF and it won't transmit. If you're lucky, there may be a fuse that you can replace. If not, it means getting the radio repaired or replaced. Tom

Ken Palmer

Need more details.

1. When you push the mic button, does the radio give any sign that it is transmitting? (TX LED on, meter indication, etc.) 2. If the radio appears to be transmitting, can you listen on another radio nearby to monitor yourself? (perhaps using a handheld). 3. If you transmit and hear a carrier with no modulation when you key the mic, you may only have a bad microphone, broken wire, or connector. 4. To test the radio further, you need a dummy load to simulate the antenna, and a watt meter. If you don't have access to this equipment, perhaps you may know a local ham radio operator that will help you out. 5. If you hear nothing, not even a carrier on step 3, then the problem is probably the radio itself. This would require sending it in for repair, or replacing it with a new one. New VHF radios have really gone down in price the past year or so. 6. Substitution is a good way to test your antenna. Ken Palmer, S/V Liberty

Eric Lorgus

Problem may be the antenna cable

Dave, I had the same problem on my 87H285. Through process of elimination it turned out to be a bad cable connection between the radio and the masthead antenna. I'm not sure how you determined your antenna "works fine". Look up the following article under the archives for more info: "VHF can receive but cannot transmit very far" BTW, the antenna/radio tester mentioned will confirm whether the problem is in your antenna. Eric Lorgus s/v Explorer 87H285

Bill Murray

c heck connectors

I have several times in the last 20 years had this problem and every time it turned out to be a bad connector. On time the solder formed a small short, the next time a "solderless" connector was used at the radio end and it was corroded, and most recently, my brand new Hunter 29.5 had a connector at the masthead that no one bothered to make up with solder (it was a soldered fitting) A friend of mine repairs radios and tells me that almost all such problems are in the connectors or next - in the wire. Good luck Bill Murray S/V Good Faith H29.5



we checked the antenna this way...we were monitoring the radio then we unscrewed the antena connector in the back and could not receive anything. reconnected and we could receieve fine but still not sned. not sure buying a new radio is the first step

Bill Murray

Still check the connectors!

In every case I mentioned in my post the antenna functioned as you described. Recieved seemingly OK but no transmit or very weak output. I'd bet on the antenna wiring start with the connectors then check the wire. try rigging a differant antenna wire as a temporary and see about the results. Good luck
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