Racing A 235

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steve meadows

Is anyone out there racing a 235 and willing to share some "speed secrets"? I've got about 8 races under my belt and running in the middle of the pack. I know I have much to learn but it would help if I already knew what the boat likes. There is one item from Beneteau suggesting raking and putting in some mast bend. Done that & it did help. Now I'm looking for more.

David M. Walters

Mind your wieght

Steve, I am not racing my 235, but I do enjoy "chasing down" larger boats on the river when I'm out. One thing I have really noticed is how sensitive the boat is to weight placement. I find that if I can get some ballast/crew to windward and forward enough while close hauled, this will pull her stern up and reduce the burbling turbulence in her wake. This gives us a noticable jump in speed. I also try to keep her healed at about 15% on anything closer than a beam reach. Going downwind, I sometimes use a gennaker, but when the crews ability prevents this, I fly the 150% with a wisker pole wing-n-wing. I try to keep the main just off the spreaders and fairly flat. I leave a big belly in the genoa and it fills with air coming forward off the main. I've seen some good speeds this way, better than I could have done toward a mark broad reaching. The link below is some documentation and tips from Beneteau on how to get the most from the boat. Go to "First 235 Rigging and Sailing Tips From Factory" for some good tips. Good Luck

steve meadows


I've noticed the same thing with reguards to weight and down wind. Have you tried anything larger than a 150 (170 perhaps)?

David M. Walters

Nothing larger than 150

excepting the gennaker of course. I haven't tried flying the Gennacker wing and wing, but I don't see why it wouldn't work too. In fact, it might make it quite the sleigh ride. I'm playing with the idea of putting a retractible, articulating bowsprit on to fly the gennaker from. I'm not sure how this would rate in phrf racing, but I thought it be a fun project. See pic for diagram.



David M. Walters

Nothing larger than 150

excepting the gennaker of course. I haven't tried flying the Gennacker wing and wing, but I don't see why it wouldn't work too. In fact, it might make it quite the sleigh ride. I'm playing with the idea of putting a retractible, articulating bowsprit on to fly the gennaker from. I'm not sure how this would rate in phrf racing, but I thought it be a fun project. See pic for diagram.

steve meadows

Keep me Posted

I have ran an aysmetric wing & wing but only in light stuff. With the 150 wing & wing, I can run 6 knots in medium winds. If the bowsprint "lights things up" let me know.

steve meadows

Keep me Posted

I have ran an aysmetric wing & wing but only in light stuff. With the 150 wing & wing, I can run 6 knots in medium winds. If the bowsprint "lights things up" let me know.


David, please email me

David, Are you the current owner of an F235 called Cheers? Please email me to tell me her hull ID number so I can include her in a new F235 database. There are 2 "Cheers" F235s so I want to be sure I have both hull numbers, corrent owner names, current boat names and current sailing areas. Thanks, Neil (use @ instead of AT)


David, please email me

David, Are you the current owner of an F235 called Cheers? Please email me to tell me her hull ID number so I can include her in a new F235 database. There are 2 "Cheers" F235s so I want to be sure I have both hull numbers, corrent owner names, current boat names and current sailing areas. Thanks, Neil (use @ instead of AT)


David, please email me

David, Are you the current owner of an F235 called Cheers? Please email me to tell me her hull ID number so I can include her in a new F235 database I'm creating for the new F235 owners group ( There are 2 "Cheers" F235s that I''ve heard of so I want to be sure I have both hull numbers, current owner names, current boat names and current sailing areas. The hull ID number is 12 characters long, and is of this format: BEY1A ... then thee numbers, then one uppercase letter, then three more numbers. It's probably on your ownership and State registration papers, but it's also on the boat's hull (starboard side, all the way aft, about 5" below the toe rail. Thanks, Neil (use @ instead of AT)


David, please email me

David, Are you the current owner of an F235 called Cheers? Please email me to tell me her hull ID number so I can include her in a new F235 database I'm creating for the new F235 owners group ( There are 2 "Cheers" F235s that I''ve heard of so I want to be sure I have both hull numbers, current owner names, current boat names and current sailing areas. The hull ID number is 12 characters long, and is of this format: BEY1A ... then thee numbers, then one uppercase letter, then three more numbers. It's probably on your ownership and State registration papers, but it's also on the boat's hull (starboard side, all the way aft, about 5" below the toe rail. Thanks, Neil (use @ instead of AT)
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