More Jib Sheet Stuff
SteveThe three wraps I mentioned is only for "normal" conditions. If you are facing heavier winds, other methods are required. Good idea to check other boats, although there's no guarantee they know what they're doing. Wrapping tight is also not necessarily the answer, because all you're doing is crushing the sail. If it's going to get THAT windy, simply take the sail off: you'll be better off, and you get to exercise your system, check the condition of the halyard, the sail itself, the extrusions and its screws, and everything else associated with the system. If it's to make sure you are covered for unexpected conditions (usually calm, no problem, but it might blow hard sometimes), then I understand your concerns and issues. Tying your jib sheets tight to keep them off the deck isn't a bad idea, but the jib sheets do NOT hold the furler in place when furled, the furling line does it. The jib sheets DO keep the sail from starting to flog.Think again about it: to pull the sail OUT, you have to UNTIE (uncleat) the furling line, and THEN pull the jib sheets; this turning pulls the furling line forward, and starts wrapping it around the drum. When you furl the sail, you pull the furling line, which is now taking the furling line OFF the drum, and slacken the jib sheets.If you like to keep your jib sheets off the deck, and also like them long, either tie them around the winch with a half hitch or two, or if you have turning blocks aft of the winch, just put a quick figure eight knot in the doubled up end of the extra jib sheet line so the turning block holds the sheet (this is in the middle of the doubled line, NOT the figure eight knot at the end of the sheet). To balance all this out, you'll need to make sure you have enough wraps of the furling line around the drum to add jib sheet wraps when furled if you think you need more than three. Of course, you also need to check that all this furling line on the drum to start with doesn't overload the drum when the sail is out, and th drum has all the furling line on IT.There also has been literally endless discussions on this forum about shackles on jib sheets. You could try the archives, or simply wait for the hurricane of responses. To summarize: yes, they're easier to switch, however, they're headbusters! Your boat, your choice.Stu