prop decisions

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i bought a used 1995 Hunter 336 recently that has a folding expected the boat sails well with this prop but difficult to maneuver sometimes at the dock....what experience do others have with standard 2 and 3 blade props...any suggestions?..thanks...please post response on the 336 owner's archive if possible

Ron Dague

Martec Folding Prop

I have a 2 blade, Martec folding prop on my h34. It has a couple of characteristic that take getting used to. First, both blades don't alway open at low speeds. Unless you rev the engine, sometimes only one blade opens and you get intense vibration. This is more pronounced if the rudder is hard to either side, since the rudder "reflects" water back at the prop, making it harder to open. Also, in reverse, the prop doesn't open unless you increase the rpm a little. After it opens, you can back it off. You have to remember that the boat's forward movement is trying to keep the propellor closed, until you get enough rpm to open it with centripedal force. But I love it! Once you get used to reving a little to open the blades, it's no problem. And compared to the traditional fixed 3 blade prop, well they are like dragging a big bucket behind your boat on a rope. You should get 1/2 knot or more in light winds. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to it, especially in docking, but it's worth it.

Craig Young

Max Prop

I have a Max Prop ( Feathering ) and I wouldn't have any thing else. It will back down without crabing, feather when sailing and It works GREAT.

Ron Johnson

2 Blade Max Prop.

Have the 2 blade Max prop on my 1996H336. Now the boat can be backed into the slip with 35mph side winds. I can ship the original 2 blade fixed prop for you to try. That will give you full appreciation for the difference. PYI would have taken my money for the three blade but convienced me that it would be an unwise upgrade.

Jim Ewing


I bought a '93 37.5 last year that came with a two blade fixed. I switched it over to a three blade fixed and am very pleased. The top speed (motoring) is about the same but low speed maneuverability and "punch" in a seaway is greatly improved. It is a bit slower when sailing (I'm hard pressed to get above 7.2 kts) but I'm not racing so the .3 - .5 knots doesn't really bother me. Jim "Prospect"
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