You need to move the toe rail block forward.... well past the mast.... or move the boom attachment point farther back.. at least to mid point. What you have now may work as a vang... but it is not an adequate preventer. Why? because the preventer function is to eliminate the risk of an accidental jibe, not to maintain tension on the mainsail leech. The preventer works with the mainsheet to keep the stabilize the boom's lateral motion in unfavorable conditions. Your present arrangement's geometry won't handle a violent shock because the angle between boom and deck is so acute. It's almost vertical. That's why you think it's working as a vang. As an experiment, stand along side your boat at a dock and swing the boom out. Now with your "preventer" on, grab the end of the boom and see how much you can move it. Be as violent as you can... because that's the way nature will behave. If it's moving more than a few inches it's not going to perform the job you want it to.....My boom only has the two bails, one for the preventer and one for the mainsheet. In prior seasons to get an attachment for the preventer closer to the center of the boom I have tried two other arrangements. One was a line run between the two bails with a connection loop for the preventer near the center. This spread the load over the entire boom but was messy. The other was simpler and consisted of a line run from the mainsheet bail, along the boom to about the center and then a wrap around the boom followed by the preventer attachment. That worked well. This season I am trying just using the original vang bail. The vang is no longer needed as the preventer performs that duty pretty well. We will see. As for shock loads, once the preventer is rigged and tensioned shock loads are minimized. Without a preventer shock loads on the mainsheet are a real threat with a surprise jibe. BTW, I am unlikely to be sailing in wild seas like those shown above and be worried about my boom striking the water.
Did you ever get any info for your, or at least similar, boat?If someone has a preventer geared up for a Hunter 420, can they send provide pictures or a sketch?
I want to get on set up for this season.