Apr 24, 2013
Mon hunter 33 de 2005 est équipé d'un pilote automatique Raymarine ST 4000+ ayant des problèmes de tenu sous voiles quelqu'un peut-il me dire ou se trouve le compas fluxgate svp avant que je ne démonte tout.

merci pour vos réponses
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
The Flux Gate Compass might not be the problem. It could possibly be belt slipage might be slipping causing the boat to "wander". Check that also.

Also, we would request that English be used on the forums. Although we are fortunate to have some people who are multilingual, there might be someone who has the answer but does not speak another language.
May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
Mon hunter 33 de 2005 est équipé d'un pilote automatique Raymarine ST 4000+ ayant des problèmes de tenu sous voiles quelqu'un peut-il me dire ou se trouve le compas fluxgate svp avant que je ne démonte tout.

merci pour vos réponses
Good morning,
My Hunter 33 from 2005 is equipped with a Raymarine ST 4000+ autopilot having problems holding it under sail can someone tell me where the fluxgate compass is located please before I disassemble everything.

thank you for your answers
mercci pour votre réponse
thank you for your reply
je vous en prie
you're welcome
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Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Also, we would request that English be used on the forums. Although we are fortunate to have some people who are multilingual, there might be someone who has the answer but does not speak another language.
If you select the text and hover…. Cut, Past, and Translate come up as options:beer:
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
If you select the text and hover…. Cut, Past, and Translate come up as options:beer:
Uh ............... I don't get out much. Show me how ? This is all I get when I select the text :


Hovering does even less. No one tells me anything and that includes the kids, the dog, and the homeless guy at the end of the street. Nothing :mad: .
May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
I don't get that in Chrome on a PC; however, I do get that option in Chrome on my Android phone. Learn something new every day. Tks,
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Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
I’m in an iphone
Oh yeah:cuss: . And of course it's an Apple iPhone.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here on my PC which is nothing more than a severe headache on a good day. For the last 20 years I've sworn the PC is going out the window and I'm getting an Apple desktop. So far, still a PC.

Remember Betamax and VHS (Video Home System) formats way back when? Betamax was a superior format but VHS had better advertising. We were left with an inferior video recording system.

Same with Apple and PC. Apple would not recognize PC formatting in the early days and was left behind. Apple should have wiped PC off the map in the early years of home computers and sent Turtle Head back to working in his garage. Steve Jobs is responsible for the world having an inferior home computer system. That, and an inflated price tag.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Concentrate, guys. Talk about iPhone and PCs over in the Sailors Lounge. Let's help the OP as much as we can.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Concentrate, guys.
Exactly. Getting back on track here.

Good morning,
My Hunter 33 from 2005 is equipped with a Raymarine ST 4000+ autopilot having problems holding it under sail can someone tell me where the fluxgate compass is located please before I disassemble everything.
There may be a chance your fluxgate compass is close to where mine (1999 H-310) is located. If you have a hanging locker on your port side situated just where you enter the aft bunk, open it and look on the very bottom of the locker, at its forward end. You may find the compass there.

My vote is with the drive unit and NOT the compass. It's solid state and probably works or doesn't work. I recently overhauled my drive unit and it was an absolute bugger to adjust the belt tensioner to be tight enough to hold the belt and yet not too tight to restrict the belt motion.


PM me if you need help just getting into the belt tensioner. That in itself is a monumental task.

@kappykaplan , if you could be so kind as to step in here ?


Sep 19, 2017
2005 Hunter 33 Lake Lewisville, TX
The fluxgate compass on my 2005 Hunter 33 is in the owners cabin mounted on the backside of the cover on the aft bulkhead to the area where the rudder tube is located. The control computer is mounted there as well.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
The control computer is mounted there as well.
Most unusual. This is the computer for the ST4000 on my boat :


How do you change from STANDBY to AUTO or alter your course when you are up top and it's down below ?
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May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
There may be a chance your fluxgate compass is close to where mine (1999 H-310) is located. If you have a hanging locker on your port side situated just where you enter the aft bunk, open it and look on the very bottom of the locker, at its forward end. You may find the compass there.

My vote is with the drive unit and NOT the compass. It's solid state and probably works or doesn't work. I recently overhauled my drive unit and it was an absolute bugger to adjust the belt tensioner to be tight enough to hold the belt and yet not too tight to restrict the belt motion.

PM me if you need help just getting into the belt tensioner. That in itself is a monumental task.
Il se peut que votre boussole fluxgate soit proche de l'endroit où se trouve la mienne (1999 H-310). Si vous avez un casier suspendu à bâbord situé juste à l'endroit où vous entrez dans la couchette arrière, ouvrez-le et regardez tout en bas du casier, à son extrémité avant. Vous pouvez y trouver la boussole.

Mon vote est avec l'unité d'entraînement et PAS la boussole. Il est à l'état solide et fonctionne probablement ou ne fonctionne pas. J'ai récemment révisé mon unité d'entraînement et c'était un bougre absolu d'ajuster le tendeur de courroie pour qu'il soit suffisamment serré pour maintenir la courroie et pourtant pas trop serré pour restreindre le mouvement de la courroie.

PM moi si vous avez besoin d'aide juste pour entrer dans le tendeur de courroie. C'est en soi une tâche monumentale.
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I don’t think anyone can answer where the OP’s compass is…he is going to have to crawl around and find it. Mine is mounted in my bilge. I have seen them mounted on bulkheads, etc.

Doubtful that is it the compass. As others have said…solid state, not much to go wrong.

It could be that the OP has put something metal near the compass…I put a backpack on the sole of my boat once (laptop computer in the bag)…AP was acting squirrelly… I put the bad right over the compass in the bilge.

Sometimes, you just need to “swing the compass” to calibrate it….

Someone want to translate this into French?

May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
I don’t think anyone can answer where the OP’s compass is…he is going to have to crawl around and find it. Mine is mounted in my bilge. I have seen them mounted on bulkheads, etc.

Doubtful that is it the compass. As others have said…solid state, not much to go wrong.

It could be that the OP has put something metal near the compass…I put a backpack on the sole of my boat once (laptop computer in the bag)…AP was acting squirrelly… I put the bad right over the compass in the bilge.

Sometimes, you just need to “swing the compass” to calibrate it….

Someone want to translate this into French?
Je ne pense pas que quiconque puisse répondre où se trouve la boussole du PO… il va devoir ramper et la trouver. Le mien est monté dans ma cale. Je les ai vus montés sur des cloisons, etc.

Douteux que ce soit la boussole. Comme d'autres l'ont dit… à l'état solide, il n'y a pas grand-chose à se tromper.

Il se peut que l'OP ait mis quelque chose de métallique près de la boussole… J'ai mis un sac à dos sur la semelle de mon bateau une fois (ordinateur portable dans le sac)… AP agissait comme un écureuil… J'ai mis le mauvais juste au-dessus de la boussole dans la cale.

Parfois, il suffit de « faire pivoter la boussole » pour la calibrer….

Quelqu'un veut traduire ça en français ?
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Je ne pense pas que quiconque puisse répondre où se trouve la boussole du PO… il va devoir ramper et la trouver. Le mien est monté dans ma cale. Je les ai vus montés sur des cloisons, etc.

Douteux que ce soit la boussole. Comme d'autres l'ont dit… à l'état solide, il n'y a pas grand-chose à se tromper.

Il se peut que l'OP ait mis quelque chose de métallique près de la boussole… J'ai mis un sac à dos sur la semelle de mon bateau une fois (ordinateur portable dans le sac)… AP agissait comme un écureuil… J'ai mis le mauvais juste au-dessus de la boussole dans la cale.

Parfois, il suffit de « faire pivoter la boussole » pour la calibrer….

Quelqu'un veut traduire ça en français ?
Thanks @kappykaplan…..

At least I think so….no idea what you said for sure:huh:

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