Port list on O'Day 35

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I have a noticable list to the port on my 1985 O'Day 35. It happens even when both water tanks are full, batteries (3) are evenly distributed, fuel tank is full but that's almost amidships, no water in the bilge, holding tank empty. I can't seem to find any reason why it should be listing - but it is! Since I noticed this on my boat, I see it on lots of sailboats out there. It's not a major problem except that the boat points better in a port tack than on a starboard. Other than that it's only an aesthetic issue. I just with I knew why ...

Paul Akers

Aftermarket additions

Possibly some aftermarket additions contribute to the list. Some examples would be a full water heater, refrigeration compressor, supplies, food, beer, soft drinks, storage under the settees. Check some of those things out
Sep 24, 1999
Hunter H46LE Sausalito
could be the library...

...or maybe the wine cellar. I was able to compensate for several starboard cases of a very weighty Pinot Noir by adding another 4D battery to the house bank on the port side. We can always detect when a new list happens by which of the side pockets all the billiard balls end up in. Frustrating.
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