Pop Up Top

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Jan Delbert

How exactly do you secure the pop up top in the up position? Is it possible to buy an enclosure/cover to protect the cabin from the elements while it's up? Thanks in advance for your help.

John Gordon


My 22 pop-top is held up with the two front poles and bolts/wing nuts in the top. Looks like there used to be an enclosue that snapped from the top to the deck; should be able to get one made.

D Berube

up position

The pop up unit on my Mac is also held up by two post that are set into angled supports located on top of the dog house or deck top in front of the pop top. I replaced the originals with a couple of pieces of conduit, with one end on each flattened and a hole drilled into the flat end. This allowed for the bolts set into the pop top to pass through the holes, and wing nuts attached so as to lock the whole thing into place. When lowered, the same bolts lock to the deck top and secure the pop top in the down position with the same wing nuts!


pop top enclosure

I have a 1974 22 footer and it has a new enclosure. I just bought then boat last weekend so I'm trying to learn about the boat myself. I will look to see if there is a company name on the enclosure and if I find it I will let you know. Good luck, Steve

Rod Linse

Pop Top Braces

Jan, from the looks of your photo from 5/29, you should have 2 braces(aluminum tubes)approx. 18-24 inches long and 3/4 inch dia. with flattened ends that fit into the two brackets just forward of the pop top on the deck and two on the bottom forward side of the pop top. The weight (heavy) of the pop top holds it in place. If you don't have these braces, they should be fairly easy to make or you might be able to find them at Havencraft's website.
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