Poor Man's Mast Gate

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Jun 26, 2012
S2 7.3 Lake Pleasant, AZ
Took me a while to figure out why I couldn't get the mainsail up without all the sliders falling out! Woes of newbiedom. After looking around a bit, I found you had to make or buy a "mast gate" which is used by dudes who keep their mainsails attached, rigged, and covered when not sailing.
Anyway, for any other new folks, here's my home made version. I think I bought the aluminum carpet transition strip from Ace. I drilled and tapped two small holes into the mast so I wouldn't have to use sheet metal screws.

The wide part of the slot just above the boom needs to be filled with the thick part of this strip.

You just cut off a segment with the hack saw or dremel, and then curve and smooth the edges with a file or bench sander.

I'm trying to save my pennies, otherwise I would have just purchased the pro one that hinges.


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Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Very elegant. Should be THE "Top Ten Tips & Tricks" on the Catalina 22 Owner's Association website, first thing everyone sees!

Great job. And well presented.

Anybody searching this site for "mast gates" oughta come right here! :)
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Jun 26, 2012
S2 7.3 Lake Pleasant, AZ
Not my original idea... but thanks. I had to go to a few stores before finding the right style trim with that thick lip.

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Sep 22, 2006
Catalina, Luger C-27, Adventure 30 Marina del Rey
Mine is similar but made of ss. I had to move the screws from the face of he channel to the side of the channel, the slugs kept hanging up on them.
The gate is really handy when reefing in rough seas. Not having to mess with the slug stop makes the whole process safer.
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Jun 26, 2012
S2 7.3 Lake Pleasant, AZ
One last shot of it on the mast...

You can see some other holes drilled in by a previous owner. And you can tell I took the lazy approach with just one gate sticking in a bit more, rather than the better way with a gate on each side.

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Jun 5, 2012
Catalina 22 Marshall Ford on Lake Travis
I thought I'd add a photo of the ones we made. Man has this trick made getting the main up and down a breeze.

In our case, we went with the holes made by the previous owner. I spent quite a bit of time getting the interior fit just right so that it won't wear on the slugs as they go up and down that part of the track. The exterior was also buffed down and flattened wherever it might otherwise be sharp. The screws were temporary and have been replaced with stainless.



Jun 26, 2012
S2 7.3 Lake Pleasant, AZ
I thought I'd add a photo of the ones we made. Man has this trick made getting the main up and down a breeze.

In our case, we went with the holes made by the previous owner. I spent quite a bit of time getting the interior fit just right so that it won't wear on the slugs as they go up and down that part of the track. The exterior was also buffed down and flattened wherever it might otherwise be sharp. The screws were temporary and have been replaced with stainless.
Those look great!

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Mar 8, 2012
Catalina 22 trailer sailor
I wish there was a way to create those mast gates that were clamped around the mast so they would be easier to remove for a trailer sailor. Removing the screws and re-inserting them each time would wallow out the screw holes in the mast (me thinks).
May 27, 2012
Oday 222 Beaver Lake, Arkansas
Dont know if it would work on yours, but on my Oday, the gate is a SS strip riveted to the "inside" of the slot, but only on the top end. You push the dogs in against the gate, and once you slide them up it snaps back against the slot, like a spring, preventing them coming back out. To release you simply push in on that strip to get the dogs to come out.
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Jun 12, 2010
Oday 22 Orleans Marina, NOLA
Looks great. I made one out of carpet threshold - it needs some tweaking, slides don't fall out now but they do get stuck at the gate and require some hand feeding. Prior to the gate I had a pin that prevented the slides from popping out - but the pin had to be removed to reef - and when you need to reef you don't need the added excitement of having your sail come loose.


Jun 26, 2012
S2 7.3 Lake Pleasant, AZ
Yeah, I wish mine could be rigged like that sliding one. But the slot is widened on my mast too far aloft. The sliders must go both above and below where the gate is, not just stop at the gate like the video. Cool idea though for some boats!

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