Took me a while to figure out why I couldn't get the mainsail up without all the sliders falling out! Woes of newbiedom. After looking around a bit, I found you had to make or buy a "mast gate" which is used by dudes who keep their mainsails attached, rigged, and covered when not sailing.
Anyway, for any other new folks, here's my home made version. I think I bought the aluminum carpet transition strip from Ace. I drilled and tapped two small holes into the mast so I wouldn't have to use sheet metal screws.
The wide part of the slot just above the boom needs to be filled with the thick part of this strip.
You just cut off a segment with the hack saw or dremel, and then curve and smooth the edges with a file or bench sander.
I'm trying to save my pennies, otherwise I would have just purchased the pro one that hinges.
Anyway, for any other new folks, here's my home made version. I think I bought the aluminum carpet transition strip from Ace. I drilled and tapped two small holes into the mast so I wouldn't have to use sheet metal screws.

The wide part of the slot just above the boom needs to be filled with the thick part of this strip.

You just cut off a segment with the hack saw or dremel, and then curve and smooth the edges with a file or bench sander.
I'm trying to save my pennies, otherwise I would have just purchased the pro one that hinges.