This is my old antenna, which I am replacing. As you can see, the bottom 12'' do not clear above the light and the windex. How much improvement might be gained by raising the mounting arrangement somehow? If any?
I'm not eager to re-engineer the masthead, but I'm replacing the entire VHF system right now so if I'm ever going to make a change, now's the time. I could shorten the masthead light and/or move it to the other side, perhaps as much as 3" further away from the antenna?
What say you, radio gods? Worth doing or no?
I'm not eager to re-engineer the masthead, but I'm replacing the entire VHF system right now so if I'm ever going to make a change, now's the time. I could shorten the masthead light and/or move it to the other side, perhaps as much as 3" further away from the antenna?
What say you, radio gods? Worth doing or no?