Painting inside

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I would like to paint the 'ceiling'over the V-birth of a 1985, 25 ft. MacGregor. Is there a special paint that I should use? Could I use regulat latex exterior house paint? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


I used latex

I painted the entire interior of an old 1970 sailboat with a top quality latex and it seemed to do the trick. Oviously if money is no object then marine grade paint would be that much better but it would only last longer and not really look any better. And since most owners keep their boats for around 2-3 years it's probably not worth the extra cost, especially since you are only looking to paint a portion of the cabin. Just check to make sure the paint you do buy is ok for use on fiberglass. Good luck.


A good paint.

While working as a civilian contractor on a guided missle cruiser, I noticed some of the seamen on board were painting the ships powered, fiberglass launches. I asked what type of paint they were using and was told it was a common, commercial grade polyurathane paint. Over the course of the few days I worked on the ship, I saw them sand, prime and paint the launches. I was very impressed with the results and priced the paint at a paint store. It really isn't that expesive for the results you get. I'd recommend a good quality Polyurathane. Mike
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