P42 Water Tank

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Ben Duggar

We have a 1995 Passage 42 which we cruise in tropical waters as liveaboards. The forward water tank is aluminum and I can get to it to see that there is no inspection port. One can get to the valve connecting this tank to the water line and use it to drain the tank. The main tank, however, is below the salon floor under the table. Even if I could get to the tank I would not be able to use gravity to drain it. I have found a precipitate in both tanks and it is occasionally blocking the lines to the fresh water pump. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how did you get into the main tank to clean it? Any thoughts as to what the precipitate is and how to prevent it?


Ben, I'm not sure what you mean by precipitate...

I follow Peggie Hall's recommended seasonal tank treatment to keep both clean and fresh tasting. A few weeks ago I noticed that the pump could not draw enough water from the forward tank. When I pulled the bib I found a wad of sealant blocking the water flow. Other than that our water is as fresh tasting as our water at the house. Over a period of time a white flaky substance (precipitate; minerals maybe) collects at the two pump pre-filters. I clean these out every few weeks. It does not seem to affect the water taste. Hope this helps. Terry

Bradley Cavedo

Same here

I get the white flaky stuff in the pre-pump filter too. Don't know what it is. Used to think it was some sort of shell residue from something growing in the tank. But our water is so fresh, just like city water, and going on 8 years now. But it is like a hard calcium dust or flake. I just clean the prefilter about once a month in season and that does the trick.

Buck Harrison

Just a Guess, But...

the precipitate may be an aluminum salt.. ie, Al sulfate/phosphate/chloride/etc., due to gradual corrosion of the tank itself. Take the powder to a commercial testing lab... (try SGS in Newport News {757-874-9430})... they will analyze it and tell you exactly what it is. Their chemist(s) may have some suggestion about how to reduce the corrosion.

Victor Robert

Me too

I've have the same residue. Any input would be appreciated. I am also having a problem with the pump straining to draw water from the tanks. I recall from a previous discussion - though I have not tried it myself - that the outlet from the salon water tank can be accessed by removing the floor from the hanging closet on the right side of the nav station. Attaching a shore water hose and running water into the tanks through their outlets seems to clear the problem for a while. I am considering adding a permanent bypass valve around the filter/pump to allow filling the tanks from the shore water connection. I always use a fine drinking water filter on any hose that I use to fill the tanks ($15 at Wal-Mart or Home Depot - blue plastic cylinder about 12" long).
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