I have not.
Besides being shipwrecked in Mobile Bay, my family were sailing from Carrabelle to Cedar Key over night. We were aboard a 56' three-masted schooner, designed and built by the same guy that designed your ComPac16.
It was a dark, stormy night

My mother preferred the sails struck, probably we should have had just the main up, but we were motoring. I was laying in my bunk when my father looked down the aft cabin hatch and found me awake of his three sons.
"Come take the wheel while I check our position."
Center cockpit, cockpit sole at deck level. I was 10 or 11. "Ok!"
We hadn't been living aboard for very long. My father went below. This was in the days of Loran C. It wasn't raining, but it was blowing and the seas were maybe 8-10 feet, and the lightning would light up the darkness so you could get a sense of the waves every once in a while.
Standing behind the helm, trying my best to keep a steady course, I was never very good at that, I heard the rush of disturbed water off to starboard. A single large wave hit Sunflower and rolled right over the top of her. As a ten-year-old boy, I wasn't that tall, but my shoulders were well above the coach top. That wave covered our 56 foot yellow schooner from stem to stern. I gripped the wheel, and was soaked almost to my chin. Looking forward from the helm, just ahead of the mizzen, all I could see was ocean and two masts sticking out of it. We were, for about a second and a half, the yellow submarine. Once the wave had passed, I could see the water swirling around the opened main hatch. My father stuck his head up out of that hatch and asked, "Willy, what did you do?"
I've been out there and counted as many as 12 waterspouts all the way around us. Did you know that they have only ever caught giant squid on submersible cameras twice? Once was in the sea of Japan and the other was in the Gulf of Mexico. If that's not exciting stuff, I had a very uneventful passage from Newport RI, to Cork Ireland. The Gulf can give as well as anywhere.
Don't forget, from below, a 16' boat is just a snack to some of what's or there.