Outfitting a little bare boat

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
I've had my jaws boxed on a motorhome forum for reactivating ancient threads; I've done some due diligence here but not all I could do (I'm 80; I don't have enough time and don't buy green bananas, either), but here goes:

Absolute bare 16-foot day sailor that just might be out at night (assume regulation-correct steaming and sailing nav lights, being installed). Bare minimum requirements? I've put these on a list and am open to y'all catching my oversights:
Portable toilet (telling the ladies to use the 5-gallon bucket and look forward when it's my turn ended with crew became Executive Departmemt) Oh, yeah--fast-dissolve TP
Flares (I'm choosing 3 red handheld day/night flares and a spotlight)
Air horn
Small first aid kit
Tool assortment: individual preferences, but mine are
-- large and small blade screwdrivers
--#1 and #2 Phillips screwdrivers
--small crescent wrench
--vice grips
--wire cutters
--utility knife
--Leatherman multi-tool (if I can find my other one)
--electrical and duct tapes
--plastic bailing bucket
--manual bilge pump
--2 big sponges
--extra spark plug
--spark plug wrench
Towels per requirements of the Executive Department
USB chargers for cell phones plus the right charging cords (not the dang puck light cords next time!)
Approved PFDs for everybody and a throwable cushion
Small LED flashlight
Whew! Wonder what my little craft's emersion rate is?
At least two dock lines
At least two fenders
Mosquito repellant
Sun screen
St. Elmo medal (to offset Murphy)
Floating container for keys, wallet, watch, etc.
At least one paddle
Anchor, 15' of chain rode, 150 feet nylon rode
100' quarter-inch polypropylene line with knots every three feet to trail behind when solo sailing in marginal conditions

(Sandwiches, drinks, cookies, ice, ice chest are required items but are not considered required items.)

What else?
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May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
Your list looks pretty complete to me, but I'd add at least another dock line. I actually carry five (bigger boat), with some old halyards that have been repurposed as dock lines.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I probably would worry about the 100' of drag line. I'd bring a minimum of 4 dock lines. (I actually carry on my boat about 16 extra lines, but I'm not a 16 footer doing an overnight.)

Don't know if you are looking to buy a portable toilet or if the boat already has one. If you are looking to buy take a look at the small one made by OGO called the Nomad.

Porta potties really suck...

Otherwise looks like a decent list to me. Does the 16 footer have a dagger board or swing keel?

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Thank you both for your suggestions. I've got a bunch of old halyards for larger boats in the past that I can repurpose. Compac 16; vestigial fixed keel (max draft 18"). I'll web search OGO.

OUCH! I searched. $750 blem sale . . . I almost --- ! Afraid it'll be a porta pottie for me. Having not known anything better it won't be too bad.
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
OUCH! I searched. $750 blem sale . . . I almost --- ! Afraid it'll be a porta pottie for me. Having not known anything better it won't be too bad.
Don't know what you are talking about - brand new from OGO it's $199.99

You must be looking at the wrong model.


p.s. You should get a second urine bottle, $40.
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I don’t see a cooler of some sort…where will you keep the beer? And maybe a little Bluetooth speaker so you can have some tunes out on the water.

Also, I would ditch the 100’ “self-rescue” line. Tried it… I doubt you will be able to do it, especially in windy conditions. Get a tether and keep yourself in the boat instead.

I also would ditch the flares and get an electronics flare and day signal.

Just noticed your note at the bottom about a cooler...sorry.

Sounds like fun!

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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Don't know what you are talking about - brand new from OGO it's $199.99

You must be looking at the wrong model.


p.s. You should get a second urine bottle, $40.
Ah. The first thing I saw was $750 blem and went into shock.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Drag line saved me once. I couldn't pull myself up it but I held on until my inexperienced crew heard me yelling to free the mainsheet and the tiller tether. And I'm an old curmudgeon. Don't drink and hat the idea of AM, FM, tapes, CDs, discs, or live Mariachi bands while I'm sailing. All that racket blocks out nature's song. But your point about a tether is well taken.
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I'd do the drag line too, but I'd go with 5/8" unknotted, and a lifeguard float at the end.
Lifeguard Float, Amazon.com

Easier on the hands. Maybe a carabiner to clip on and free your hands, so you can use your handheld VHF.

May 29, 2018
Canel 25 foot Shiogama, japan
Lots of ideas and inspiration from Paul ate Sailing Kate Louise.

And Roger Barnes

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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Urban Hermit, I'm a fan of the ComPac 16. It was designed by an old family friend. Originally called a Suncat. Here's a nice little story about two ComPac 16 owners trailering their boats down to the Florida Keys and sailing to a small group of islands 35 miles West of Key West. It's a fun read.
TWO FOR THE MARQUESAS: Trailer Sailing the Florida Keys
View attachment 229563

Thank you, Will! I know I'll enjoy that. As it happens I have a Compac story of my own, published in a modest boating monthly out of Kemah, TX, called TellTales, that went out of print over a decade ago. If I can PDF it I'll send it to you.
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Likes: Will Gilmore


Apr 29, 2022
Jeanneau Tonic 23 Erie, PA
Couple of throw pillows and blankets are handy when it gets chilly, in addition to your regular sleeping gear.
Portable fan(s). I like this one. It will run a couple days on low.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Couple of throw pillows and blankets are handy when it gets chilly, in addition to your regular sleeping gear.
Portable fan(s). I like this one. It will run a couple days on low.
Good suggestions, especially the fan. I'll add to the list. Tnankee


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
assume regulation-correct steaming and sailing nav lights, being installed
CG Regulations:

When under power:
(c) In vessels of less than 12 meters in length:
(i) a masthead light, 2 miles;
(ii) a sidelight, 1 mile;
(iii) a sternlight, 2 miles;
(iv) a towing light, 2 miles;
(v) a white red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles; and
‹‹ (vi) a special flashing light, 2 miles. ››

When Saiing:
(d)(i) A sailing vessel of less than 7 meter in length shall, if practicable, exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 25(a) or (b), but if she does not, she shall ‹‹ exhibit an all around white light or ›› have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Good list for the boat.
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Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
CG Regulations:

When under power:
(c) In vessels of less than 12 meters in length:
(i) a masthead light, 2 miles;
(ii) a sidelight, 1 mile;
(iii) a sternlight, 2 miles;
(iv) a towing light, 2 miles;
(v) a white red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles; and
‹‹ (vi) a special flashing light, 2 miles. ››

When Saiing:
(d)(i) A sailing vessel of less than 7 meter in length shall, if practicable, exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 25(a) or (b), but if she does not, she shall ‹‹ exhibit an all around white light or ›› have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Good list for the boat.
Thanks, but ahead of you on the lighting. Will have a mast-top stern light; a transom-mounted stern light (separate circuits) and red and green on both circuits. A 225-degree lens with the mast-top stern completes the anchor lighting. Diodes in circuits as required to provide 360 anchor lighting without running lights. Of course there will be a torch on board to shine on the sail in case navigation lights go out for some reason under sail (legal) or power (emergency). And thankee re the list.
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