I'm looking at an Island Packet 350 but am having a devil of a time finding reliable info on this boat. The stuff in Cruising World and other sailing publications is basically a bunch of fluff written as if the manufacturer did it themselves. I know the IP are heavy, slow in light air, don't point as well into the wind as a fin keel, and so on. I also know they are generally regarded as being well built with good factory support and supposedly are good blue water cruisers. But I'm really interested in input from people who really know them and what they really are like. For example, just how hard are they to dock? Is the cutter rig really hard to tack with both stay and head sails out? Are they really seakindly boats or are they just plain fat and heavy? Any input anybody can share would be most appreciated. It's too expensive a boat to take a chance on without knowing more.