OMC Zephyr sail drive

Sep 7, 2020
Hughes 31 Penetanguishine
Water in the cylinder head coming from the intake port. Where can the problem be?, the engine does not start. Does it need a major repair?
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Not very familiar with that engine, but water in the intake transfer port is a strange one.. It could be from a hole corroded through the transfer port wall where the water jacket covers it.. The water jacket does not look badly corroded, but the leak would be in the right side of the picture in the water jacket. I wonder if the water came in from the exhaust port, or a bad cylinder head gasket and flooded enough to get into the intake side and it is drooling out of there.. check the exhaust cooling elbow and look for cracks in the head or leaks around the head gasket. ..
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Sep 7, 2020
Hughes 31 Penetanguishine
Not very familiar with that engine, but water in the intake transfer port is a strange one.. It could be from a hole corroded through the transfer port wall where the water jacket covers it.. The water jacket does not look badly corroded, but the leak would be in the right side of the picture in the water jacket. I wonder if the water came in from the exhaust port, or a bad cylinder head gasket and flooded enough to get into the intake side and it is drooling out of there.. check the exhaust cooling elbow and look for cracks in the head or leaks around the head gasket. ..
Hi Kloudie1, thank you for your information, I am not familiar with marine engine. The next weekend I will check the gasket on right side and the exhaust gasket too and let you know if the problem is there. Very helpful the Crowley marine web page. Thank you!
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