Older CDI furler

Jun 9, 2024
Macgregor 26m Saint James City
I have purchased a 2002 Macgregor 26x with a furler that I believe is a cdi. The furler is intact and attached to the mast from the previous owner. I don't understand how to install the sail and anchor it. Unlike current models, there is only one anchor shackle instead of two. Can you identify the model and provide any information to help me install the sail correctly?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide. Photos attached.


Mar 2, 2019
Oday 25 Milwaukee
Hopefully this will help . The shackle you show might as well be used securing the foot of the sail .Without seeing the other side ,it's tough to know how it was originally rigged. I might be well tempted to mount a simple cleat opposite the one you've shown . Does your genoa have a luff tape ?
Are you able to post a few more photos of the other side of the furling drum ? It just does not seem to make sense that you would have to modify the drum after all these years
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Don’t you secure the bottom tack to the shackle, hook the halyard to the top of the sail, and slide the sail into the foil as you pull it up?

I have an old CDI FF furler on my O’Day 322, and it uses an internal halyard (wire) that runs up one groove of the foil, over a block built into the furler and down the other groove of the foil. To raise the sail, I secure the top of the sail to the wire halyard, feed the sail luff into the groove in the foil and pull down on the wire halyard (pulling down on a messenger line). There is a “car” on the end of the wire halyard that gets pinned to the foil once the sail is up. Then, the tack is laced through a shack on the furler drum to tighten it. Not the best system,m but mine is 30+ years old and still works.

More photos may help us better see what you are dealing with.


Jun 9, 2008
- -- -Bayfield
The furler on the O'Cay 322 is a different model for a larger boat. The CDI you have on your MacGregor uses an internal halyard and not the existing halyard that comes with the boat for a hank on sail (or another type of furler). It is specific to CDI. You might want to go to their web site sailcdi.com and there you will find the owner's manual for the unit that you have. That might answer your question, or you can talk to them directly. They are nice people and won't bite.