Old Gas Additive?

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Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
I have to help someone bring an old boat with 80 gallons of three year old gasoline up the southern California coast. I wanted to drain the tanks, but the yard couldn't find anyone willing to take on that much fuel; hazardous waste issues. The mechanic said the OB was running off the old fuel seemingly OK. Still, I'm reluctant to 'test ' it 20 miles offshore. Anyone have experience in fuel conditioners, etc? Trailering isn't an option, nor is siphoning enough to make a difference. Rick D.

Stephen Ostrander

switch tanks?

Rick, could you disconnect the fuel tank and run the OB off of an external tank? Not very convenient, I know, but maybe an option.

Dave Ullrich

Use 2x

I would add add atleast 2x the recomended amount of water remover, octane booster, fuel stabilizer AND carb cleaner to the fuel. Then cross your fingers. Or call a company that specailizes in cleaning fuel tanks. In Annapolis there are several, the get all the old fuel out, "pollish" it and remove all comtaminents and put it back.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Don't go

Rick: You did not mention if this is a sail or power boat! I do not think you can add anything to old gas to perk it up enough. I would think if you could drain at least half of the fuel into gas cans and refill the tank it will mix and give you a chance. Then you could use the rest of the old fuel with the next fillup? Obciously they need to replace the filters before you get started and have extra filters along the way. I would not want to do this at all if this is a powerboat. I'd make sure that he has some type of towing insurance incase the engine craps out

Gary Jensen

Gas disposal

Rick, Call L.A. Fire Dept and tell them they can have the old gas. (We use to take stale gas from the public for doing control burns) they will most likely take part or all of it. There are other fire depts close to L A that will take the rest. When you drain your tank try to unhook the lines to the carberator and get as much out as you can. Being off shore with old gas only adds to the number of things that can go wrong. good luck

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Steve Dion, I Don't Know HOW to..

..answer your question. It's a Lancer 29 Power Sailor. What would you call it? ;>) PS: Yhanks, guys, for your suggestions and anyone else, please step up to the plate.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Rick, my point was

Rick: My point was that if this is a "powerboat" your only means of propulsion is that engine. At least with a sailboat you would have a chance of sailing if the engine craps out. I think Gary's idea of the fire department or CDF (Cal. Dept of Forestry) sounds like an excellent option (if they will take it). You may also have him check with junk yards too. I would not recommend you using ANY tank cleaner for the trip up the coast. If the tanks are in bad shape it will clean them up and you will also have all of that stuff to worry about too. Once he gets the boat to its new home tank cleaner should be the order of the day.
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