O'Day 39 mast step

Oct 29, 2022
O'Day 39 North East, MD
Hello! Anyone have any experience or advice in replacing the mast step in a 39? You can see in the photo that it is rusty, and if you poke at it it just comes apart in flakes and sheets.

It seems like I could use something like this NG-70 Mast Step - Special Keel: NG70-1SK but that is just the plate itself. That whole "C channel with wings" that the plate sits on and bolts to the keel is in bad shape too. I am assuming that is something you'd have to get fabricated, rather than finding it available.

Has anyone dealt with this? Do you have to lift mast with a crane? Or can you loosen stays and jack it up somehow from the deck to give clearance at the keel to pull out and replace?
What did you use for parts and pieces? Anything you wish you'd have known, or done differently? What kind of overall cost was involved?

I am trying to help sell this boat, as a project, and trying to factor in how much of a project it is going to be, and how that should affect the price.

Thanks for any insight you can provide!

Mar 24, 2012
O'Day 40 BC Coast
I have a 40 and there is no steel plate. I thought the hulls were pretty much the same. Could this plate have been added?
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Mar 24, 2012
O'Day 40 BC Coast
A google search shows another 39 on this forum with a delaminating plywood base, so it seems the 40 is different.
I'd suggest G10 board or aluminium as a replacement.
Sep 23, 2009
O'Day 34-At Last Rock Hall, Md
The black casting at the base is your mast step and appears ok. While out of the boat it can be cleaned and painted. The rusty iron plates under it do not look correct. Likely some Elmer added them. They should be removed and perhaps replaced with a better material. I would talk to a local rigger and a surveyor for advice.
Oct 29, 2022
O'Day 39 North East, MD
Thanks all, for your thoughts. Rudy at D&R gave me the name of a shop in MA that fabricates this stuff, though their website is very limited.
RigRite has some stuff, but the most similar looking one does not have a "buy" button at the moment. The steel piece that bolts to the keel, and has the step bolted to it is shaped like this __|--------|__ (well, with the middle horizontal piece higher up, level with verticals, but...) I have not seen those anywhere, but guessing that is not too hard to fabricate.
Aug 17, 2010
Oday 35 Barrington
You must call RigRite to get a price, or to order, on many of the pieces that they have in stock, or have made to order. All that I can tell you is that if it comes from RigRite, it will be expensive.


Nov 25, 2019
Oday 39 Charlotte Harbor
I owned an oday 39, hull #33.That is the factory setup in your photo.I had mine fabricated at a machine shop and powder coated.
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