Oday 22 Owners Manual

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N.M. Rubado

We could use some help rigging our new (probably a '73) 22. Does anyone have owners manual showing rigging details for sale or willing to copy pages? Also stepping & unstepping instructions would be helpful.


stepping the mast

I also have recently bought a new(old) 22 O'Day. I haven't seen anything on the net about a owners manual but I did find a good system for transporting and stepping the mast. You can find this at trailersailor.com under the article Doc springs into action. If you haven't found this link yet, it is a good one. I have just finished setting my boat up with this system and it works very well. If you have any luck finding a manual, let the community know. good sailing.


O'day 22 owners manual

NM, Send me your address and I will send you a copy of my 1975 owners manual.


can of worms.

On that manual... you may have opened a big can of worms! I think copies would be in high demand. Any chance I could get one? I have a '73 O'day 22, and thought my chances of a manual were hopeless, before your message. Perhaps I could return the favor in some way? Thanks... Rich (helio6@hotmail.com).

Stu Timm

Oday 22 manual

Hi, May I please have a copy of your manual? I'll gladly send a SASE to you for the copy, if you'd send me your address. I am Stu Timm at "mitshu@juno.com" My thanks

N.M. Rubado

A possible source

My wife contacted D & R Marine, and they say they have manuals that can be copied for a small fee. Since I live near them I plan to go check out their store in the next few weeks. So thanks Dan, I'll let you know if I still need to take you up on your offer. NR


owner`s manual

D&R MARINE,INC. inAssonet MA can give you a copy that what you need

Gary Wilkinson


I just (11/2/00) bought a '75 O'Day 22. I have never even seen on one of these and I am in dire need of a manual. Dan offered to copy his, but I am new to the site and don't know how to contact a person that sent a reply. I will give my email address and Dan can get my address from me. Thanks, Gary GaryPWMail@Yahoo.com
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