nissan outboard fuel filter?

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Jan 24, 2007
Marlow-Hunter 37 Deep Creek off the Magothy River off ChesBay
I've got a Nissan o/b 3.5 hp 2 stroke. It ain't working right...yesterday I went to marina to move dink to sailboat. SOP involves mounting o/b then motoring over. The nissan wouldn't run smoothly. Stuttered. I gave up and rowed. Could fuel filter be a problem? Is there a fuel filter on it? Where? Where do I buy one?
Jun 4, 2004
Hunter 340 Forked River, NJ
Stuttering Nissan

I had a similar problem last year with my Nissan 5 hp 2-stroke. You might want to start with the simple causes and work your way up. I would replace the spark plug if you have not done that lately. If that does not work, try some carb cleaner in the gas - not too much. Sometimes that does the trick. If you have one, drop the sediment bowl on the carb to see if it is full of junk, and if so, you may have to have your carb rebuilt. The new ethanol gas has been giving these small outboards a lot of carb problems. There is a small see-thru fuel filter along the gas line under the engine cover and you can likely use any generic filter of a similar size.
Dec 3, 2003
Hunter Legend 37 Portsmouth, RI
Try new, clean fuel!

With today's rediculous additives, the shelf-life of gas is about 60 days. If you are using last years' gas, empty it into a fairly-full automobile fuel tank (even if oil is mixed into it) and refill the gas tank of the outboard. If the problem recurrs, it time to get it (carb) cleaned and serviced!
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