New to me H26 - Doesn't seem right...

Dec 10, 2023
Hunter 26 Port Weller
Hi all,
I recently picked up this 95 H26 and I'm familiarizing myself with all it's inherited quirks!
Does the stern typically sit this low in the water?
The water is always sitting over the stern lip. Keep in mind, this pic was taken after the boat was emptied for the season (The boom has been removed as well as aft bunk cushions, food, drink and all other non-essentials.), and surprisingly it's still seems to sit low.
The bow seems to sit fine (sorry, no pic).
The boat seems dry inside - no water in the are past the aft bulkhead. Is this just simply the way the H26 sits?

Many thanks,
Oct 17, 2024
Hunter 26 Milwaukee
Mine sits like that.
I crossed Lake Michigan twice like that and spent two weeks on her while doing that.
No water inside the cabin and the bilge is dry as well.
That's just how they sit.