new main for hunter 30

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Dan Geltmacher

81 H-30. Split my main, I suspect it's the original, I repaired it to use as a spare. Anyone have any suggestions on where to look for a new/used main? Plenty of sites on the net. Who is trustworthy? Lastly, I think I know how to measure a sail but,... help


Potomac Sails

I used Jack at Potomac Sails for a new cruising main last year. I added more roach and gained about 35 sq ft of sail area. They are near the Washington DC, Chesapeake area.


Bacon, Atlantic are good

I have gotten used sails from both Bacon (Maryland) and Atlantic Sail Traders (Florida). Atlantic has a web site. Both seem very reputable and have a good selection.

Karl Berntson

Just got one at Bacon

I just bought a used main for our H30 at Bacon in Annapolis. Watch out for the dimensions. I looked in the manual, but when I measured the old sail it was different from what the manual said. Just bring your old main with you. Bacon will measure it properly under tension. They have an inventory of some 13000 used sails. Good Luck Karl
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