New Macgregor 26 M Photos

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Check out the new design if you haven't already. Personally I think its got very nice lines on it but the interior has got to go. Post your comments/suggestions. Hope you enjoy them.


New Word Order?

If some of us find the 26M less than perfect, MacGregor has only himself to blame! Here is what the 26X propaganda programmed us to think for the past 7 years that the 26M doesn't deliver on:(Quotes are directly from 26X factory web site.) 1. We need a spacious galley 26X - "The galley has a sink, tile counter, and space for a 2 burner stove. There is a large storage cabinet below the galley and compartments designed for small items (plates, silverware, bottles, etc)." 26M - The galley can only handle a single burner stove and has little storage. 2. We need a 360-degree view 26X - "The large dinette is raised so you can see out of all the large windows when seated." 26M - The seats are low and the head blocks (uses) one of the front windows. 3. We can sleep outdoors in a big cockpit 26X - "The cockpit seats are over 6’ long, and can be used for comfortable outside sleeping when the weather is good." 26M - The cockpit seats are too short to sleep on. 4. A centerboard is preferred over a dagger 26X - "The centerboard, like the twin rudders, pivots and will kick up if it hits an obstruction. This allows the boat to be beached without risk of damage to the board or its attachments." 26M - Has a daggerboard. 5. A walk-through transom is preferable to climbing over the lifelines 26X - "The steering seat, in the closed position, provides the security of a fully surrounded cockpit. When it is opened, you have a walk thru transom for easy boarding from the ground (when the boat is on its trailer), from the water, or from a dock." 26M - The transom opening is too small to fit through when the OB is installed (especially the 70HP). 6. Fabric covered interiors are to be avoided 26X - "Avoid interiors that have fabric bonded to the walls and ceilings. They are hard to dry, and mildew badly." 26M - Instead of having a hull liner, the 26M has fabric glued to the hull insides. So, you see, it’s all Roger’s fault if we think the 26M leaves something to be desired. Happy sails _/), MArk


Roger MacGregor, are you listening???

My wife and I have decided on the 26X. I hope the decision is not made to stop building the 26X in favor of an inferior boat (the 26M). Think about it, almost all of the advantages that the 26X had, have been effectively eliminated in the 26M. A trully UN-inspired design. Roger should have consentrated on enhancing the 26X design.


but what can she do?

What would we give for a boat that can truly sail and power?? No compromise, no give and take, just cake and eating it too. While I agree that the M does not seem as practical inside as the X, do we MacFolk really buy boats to sit on the potty and read, or to serve shmancy dinners to our friends? No, that is for the guys who choose to own the 100,000+ dollar toys that we read about in "Cruising World"(while we are on the potty) and then we p--- them off by sailing past when they think mahogony-maketh-the-captain and that shmance entitles them to the port right of way. No we want sailability and powerability, that is the duality that we strive. Has Roger achieved the two with the M?? We don't know yet, no one has sailed and motored the M and given us a review. I am sorry, but what the boat can do is far more important than what we can do in the boat. With due respect to the importance of a magazine rack in the head. I will not deny that the X seems better designed inside than the M. But in reality it is what is under the hood that really counts. I REALLY look forward to hearing how the powsail factor holds up. This is surely the most important issue.................... Tan interior?? Who gives a ----- It is usually dark when I am in there anyway!! Regards PhilR PS how big is the cooler? now that IS important.


Actual Boatshow Photos

Hey Bert, No, these aren't fakes. The pictures on the related link posted 1/5/2003 to 1/7/2003 were actually taken at the Portland Boatshow. This is the design Macgregor has taken to market. Blue Water Yachts and H&S Yacht Sales are taking orders. When the 26X debuted in 1995 the comments were about equally split between love and hate. So far, I see less than 10% love for the 26M design. Roger is no fool. If attitudes don't change, the boat will. He knows that if Hunter jumps in with a 260 light with a layout everyone likes and better quality for about the same price, his ship (and his dollars) will sail without him. Happy sails _/), MArk


26X vs. 26M

I agree, performance and "what's under the hood" is VERY important. However, both boats are 26ft. and if my information is correct, the 26M is a lot higher above the water line, (windage concerns) and is some 300lbs. heavier. This probably gives cause to the 70hp. engine. Besides, we're not ALWAYS Racing are we?? Livability is Very important too!!! Which is the better performer??? We'll be watching to see. And the world goes Around and Around. Happy Sailing Everyone.


Yes,yes and.......yes.

What can I say Vince, yes I agree. Swings round-abouts, apples, oranges. How can we assess with only half the equation. Certainly livability is an issue, no question. But can we not live quite well in our basement with a large screen and a fridge. If livability is the first issue stay home!! The big question is the powsail factor. Can it do it all? If it can I am sold. Fiddle with the interior later certainly, but what can she do.............. to be or not to be.......... that is the question. Regards Phil


Re: Yes,yes and.......yes

Have a nice day Phil. Happy Sailing. Sincerely, Vince


Inmon's thoughts/comments on 26M

Mike Inmon, owner of Inmon Yachts was one of the first to see and sail the 26M. The link below has some of his initial impressions. There was no interior on these initial tests and the 30 gallon water drum that simulated the additional weight (liners, coverings, galley, cushions, supplies) may have been a bit optimistic. (30gal * 8.35#/gal = 250#) Happy sails _/), MArk


Isn't the 26X one of the best sellers in Class

I doubt Roger has sold as many boats without knowing the market. I am a novice to sailing I admit (though I may buy the M). I'm guessing that tenderness was a problem (thus) the increased ballast. The 75hp max rating may also help in rough water conditions, I've read threads were the 50hp struggled there. The fact that so many ardently support the X indicates to me Roger knows what he's doing. I'm guessing it'll be a success, and if not the interior can prob be changed with the new major exterior mods in place. Happy Sailing folks

Jeff G

Why the "M"?

Why is Roger building powerboats now? It seems each new model gets further away from sailing.
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