Welcome, Steve, to the SBO forum.
"Who is a good resource for information?"
This is an interesting query. Having identified yourself as a male Retired person, I am conjecturing that this is not your first rodeo.
If you feel your query is unique to your boat design (i.e. How many screws are holding down the rudder pintel on the Harbor 20), then posting a query in the specific boat labeled site may get a response. It also may go unnoticed.
If you want an answer about boat function, sailing technique, or just want to get the thrill of getting a response, then use the "ASK ALL SAILORS" forum. Many of us now have big cruising boats, but we owned smaller day-sailers in a former lifetime. You will get insight that you can apply to your boat challenge. For the most part, all of our boats are made up of parts assembled by a builder. The builder bought many of the same parts used by hundreds of builders on thousands of boats. Another way of stating this is that your boat design is not unique.
Post pictures on the site. Share your sailing questions and experiences. We are glad to see you.