New feature debuts Wednesday

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S is proud to launch an innovative new feature Wednesday: Ask-the-Author magazine. AAM will feature articles from published authors, nautical authorities, and just plain interesting people on a variety of sailing topics. And here's the twist... you're part of the article, too! For a period of two weeks after initial publication, you will be able to post questions, comments, or complaints for the author to answer. It is truly an interactive magazine format. Since we're all used to reading shorter text on our monitors (as opposed to paper), the stories will be serialized, with a new installment appearing every other day until completion. Our first contribution is by Gary Wyngarden (the same Gary who provides our weekly quiz questions), titled 'A Voyage of Discovery.' It chronicles a cruise through the Northwest's beautiful Desolation Sound, and is sponsored by San Juan Sailing. Watch Wednesday's headlines for details. Meanwhile, you can preview the feature using the Ask-the-Author magazine selection under the Forums tab.



Sounds like an awesome idea!This is sort of a continuation of the "ask the experts" series & should provide some good feedback. Go for it! BILL on STARGAZER


Very nice, one minor thing...

Great idea, one minor thing I noticed is that when posting a message it doesn't "remember" who you are. This must be stored in a cookie since the main site knows your name and home port from visit to visit. Would it be possible to use this for the Ask the Author magazine too? Thanks for the great site!
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