Need replacement spreader - Cal 34

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Mar 2, 2009
Columbia Yachts C22 Long Beach
Lost a spreader sailing the new boat home from Oxnard.

I went to Minneys in Costa Mesa and called the sailboat junkyard in Long Beach.

Niether have the parts.

The spreaders are parallel (not swept back) and made of mahogony. Not too hard to make a replacement, but I also lost the bracket that attaches it to the mast.

Any suggestions on who to call for thees
Jun 9, 2008
- -- -Bayfield
If you have the bracket from the spreader that you did not lose/break, you should be able to find a machine shop to fabricate one up for you using the one you have to make the second. Then you also can use the mahogany spreader to make a 2nd out of the same material. If you have no woodworking skills or tools, I am sure you can find someone to do it for you.
Mar 2, 2009
Columbia Yachts C22 Long Beach
You guys aren't going to believe this.

I found the spreader on the starboard deck. It's an act of God that it stayed onboard. The bracket is broken. That is easier to replace!
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.

Ballenger in No. Cal. (Watsonville) can make these for you. I believe that they are all alum. for the replacements.
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