Need help refinishing interior wall

Jan 18, 2023
Columbia Columbia Chesapeake
I have a 1978 Columbia 32' sailboat. The port lights were originally attached interior to the boat, but water would sit and they would eventually leak. The portlights have been moved to the exterior and the leaks have stopped thankfully. I was forced to tear out the original teak plywood that was there due to mold and rot. I've attached a picture of what it currently looks like, does anyone have any suggestion on what to use to give it a smooth finish? Looking to try to a DIY. Thank you in advance.


Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Can you get a shot from further back ?

I'm thinking along the lines of light oak planking which is glued to the FG surface if that's suitable to the lines of the area.
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Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
As Ralph asked, back up and give a full picture of the area. First thought is to simply frame the port light. It looks like a wide area that needs to be covered.
You could use a thin sheet of paintable PVC. It has a textured side and a smooth side, your choice. Use the proper PVC cement needed to hold it to the surface. Paint to match the surrounding area.
On a smaller scale, I have the same issue as you for my VHF radio at the pedestal. Here is a photo of what I did, or will be doing in the spring.
Hope this helps.


Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
There is a product I used successfully to repair a rotted-out corner of two bulkheads and on overhead in a wooden boat. The corner had a "block" where trim along the two horizontal angles between bulkheads and overhead come together. The product allowed me to build up a blob then easily chisel, carve, and sand it into the original cube shape, and had the permanence of a block of hard plastic: CPES filler. Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer, and no, I haven't found a polite way to pronounce its acronym. Can be found on the web. The two-part epoxy rot-restoration filler is excellent, too: Dry the rotted wood thoroughly and paint the filler into it.
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