Need a Gudgeon for my 1980 Macgregor Venture 22' sailboat

Jan 22, 2008
Macgregor 22 Edgewater MD
Hi All,
The original gudgeon for my 1980 Macgregor Venture 22' sailboat is corroded at the bottom. Its structural integrity has been compromised. I have included 2 pics. Does anyone know where I can purchase one of these or have one fabricated. I can't sail or motor with it in this condition as I fear that it may fail and I won't be able to steer. Any help you could offer would be greatly.
Thanks so much,
Salvatore Misuraca
Gudeon Pic 3.jpg
Gudeon Pic 2.jpg
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Okay... I sent a response to this in your other post but this picture is clearer. You have an after market rudder. The original design for the Macgregor 22 looked more like this....

and the top piece of wood had the pintles on it.

Here is one that I constructed after the original wood rotted out on mine.

I think you could reuse the bottom half of yours and construct something similar to the top half of the schematic I posted above.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
I think I found yours... or at least something that will work. Call these guys and see if they will sell you the upper piece only.

Jan 22, 2008
Macgregor 22 Edgewater MD
I think I found yours... or at least something that will work. Call these guys and see if they will sell you the upper piece only.

Hi rgranger,
Thank you very much for your reply. I will call the guys at Rudder Craft tomorrow.
Apr 11, 2020
MacGregor 26s Scott's Landing, Grapevine TX
Blue Water Yachts carries parts for the Venture 22, but I don't see anything that looks like your part at their "Steering" page:

You might try clicking the "Contact Us" link up in the black banner. Todd McChesney is very helpful and knowledgeable.