Name that compartment!

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Following the lead of my sailing instructor, I've referred to each of the small molded-in storage compartments on either side of the cockpit area as a "cuddy". This is out of respect for the original meaning of "lazarette" which referrred to any storage *over the transom* only. Anyone else have a name for those winch handle / camera / snack / etc. storage areas? Is there a consensus? Winners will receive our unalloyed acclaim.

Bob Camarena

Coaming Compartments

I cheated and looked in my Catalina parts catalog. Catalina calls them "cockpit coaming compartments", but I usually call them "that hole over there".

Mike Hagerman

Second the Motion

With my usual don't-want-to-learn-nautical-terms type crew, I just call them "that there hole with the stuff in it" or similar words. Depends on the speed of the wind and whether or not I asking for something critical. One of these days I'll train one of our Lab puppies to fetch winch handles, etc.

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina

Coaming Box

This is what I've always called them.


some hole that you have to varnish the trim on

I never knew the name and it never got in the way. I have a winch handle holder mounted in the cockpit since you can never remember which pocket you put it in and it slides around in there. They are great places to keep the rollerfurling line... Basically it is the empty mountain dew pocket and sun screen holder! So what do you call the three lines on the sail at the first reef point? Reefing lines? Got me.
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