Mounting pedestal at wheel H31

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Michael Dunn

Hi. Has anyone every mounted a pedestal guard (S/S rail) in front of the binnacle on the 31? We have a 1987 31 and wondered what arrangement was made in such a case to ensure a secure mount on the cockpit sole, and if major backing plates were used, how were they handled on the overhead of the aft cabin, especially from an aesthetic viewpoint? Thanks very much.

Tim Op't Holt

Pedestal hardware

There is a pedestal guard on our 85 H31. It was factory installed, so your question might be best directed to a dealer or the factory.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Don't think it was factory installed.

Mike & Tim: I do not think that the guards were factory (see foto's of the boats and brochures). Our dealer installed ours. I personally like our arrangement, it is mounted to the pedestal. They had the s.s. tubing bent and flanges made so the guard could be screwed to the pedestal. This keep from having to drill holes in the sole and keep your toes from getting jammed.


I have one

My '84 31' has a guard that runs through the plafrom for the Data Marine electronics. The ss tubing fits into ss cups mounted directly to the cockpit floor. I just recently added a cockpit table and rebedded these cups. I understand from the previous owner that it came from Hunter this way.



None of the "older" H31's came with a binnacle guard installed at the factory, but it was (is) an easy do-it-yourself project. I had mine done by the dealer when I purchased the boat in 1986 (mine's a 85 model), but I watched them do it and it was a cinch. While there are several types out there, you want to make sure the one you get does what you got it for: protection for the steering quadrant, a mounting point for a cockpit table/GPS/drink holder, and most importantly a SECURE grab bar to assist in moving around the cockpit. As such, mine is mounted to both the binnacle (sort of a "Y" attachment under the compass housing with the tops of the "Y" securing the guard) and attached to the deck by a "cup holder" which is screwed into the deck w/ plenty of sealant. I've never had any leakage problems and since the screws don't penetrate the cockpit deck core, doesn't show at all in the aft cabin. Take a look at the various manufactures models and I'm sure you will find one which will work for you. Tim (TIDE)

Bob Madeiros

Doing it Yourself -Binnacle Guard

I had the opportunity to install a guard on my 87 Hunter31 (hull # 722). My pedestal was manufactured by Merriman Yacht Specialties (now defunct, but I believe supported by Edson). Anyway, I bought a Binnacle guard from Edson 2 or 3 years ago and installed it on Sea Quest II myself. It comes with a flange to attach it firmly to the binnacle just below the compass housing, and two mounts that capture the ends of the stainless steel tube on the cockpit floor. These mounts each have two SS bolts that are through-bolted and backed by washers underneath. Aesthetically speaking, these bolts are hidden by the steering quadrant cover (a false ceiling in the aft berth). Bed it well to prevent leaks. This set up is very strong. Afterwards, I wondered how I lived with out it! (We added a teak beverage rack/table to complete the ensemble. Easy to do, and worth it. Bob
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