Mounting flags?

May 14, 2016
Hunter Hunter 27 Newport RI
I have a 1982 Hunter 27, and am wondering where on this the stern I can mount a flag pole bracket. The ones at the marine store have a slight angle and was told should mount on a horizontal flat surface. Anyone know where on the stern is best for a flag pole for a '82 Hunter 27?
Apr 29, 2016
Hunter 27 Atwood Lake, OH

I struggled with this as well on my 1979 Hunter 27. First tried a stern rail clamp on model that didn't work out so well and finally ended up purchasing an Aurora fitting made for railings and mounted it to the stern below the stern cap where the fiberglass is about 1/4" thick. About 3" to 4" down for the top if memory serves me well.

We drilled three holes and bedded it in sealant and used fender washers and nylok nuts on the inside, all stainless. The nuts were accessible from the quarter berth as we mounted on the port side. Could go on the starboard however you may need a youngster to climb in to get a wrench on the nuts on that side! I did have to grind a new drain path in the fitting, but that is not absolutely necessary. My son and I installed it on the hard, but certainly could be done at the dock, stern to the dock.

I used the Taylor made flag kit. I don't have a great photo of it, this is the best I have currently.


We leave the flag on all season and roll it up and place a sunbrella cover over top dockside. Had to make the cover.
I'll get a better photo next time I'm at the boat.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
If you want to mount it to the stern then tgentsch's way is best. Particularly on the backside to make it strong. I don't like making holes in 'glass. Ours is clamped to the stern rail. It's hard to see: inboard on the stbd side

Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
Amazing that Hunter just didn't weld a small receiving tube somewhere on the Stern pulpit. That would've been the best place.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Why not lash a small block to the bimini frame for a flag halyard?
Apr 29, 2016
Hunter 27 Atwood Lake, OH

Here's a photo from today of the flag mount at the stern.
Jan 24, 2009
1981 Cherubini Hunter 27 Shipwright Harbor Marina, MD
johnm5858 - see in the upper right-hand corner the photo (sorry I don't have better photo at the moment), the PO mounted one outboard of the cockpit at the very aft end of the side deck. It looks like he got the bracket & teak flag pole from West Marine.
If you do mount it there, make sure you bed it well, he didn't and because it sits right in the water that runs off the decks, I had a terrible leak that collected under/behind the galley drawers until I figured it out.
