At times I would just like to know how strong the wind is! But not important enough to get myself above the mast top to drill and mount the sensor. Nor to pay a pro the $110/hr going rate.
The original equipment Datamarine wind display is still mounted on the outside bulkhead next to my companionway. But the stuff on the mast top and the wiring down is long gone.
Has anybody mounted a wind sensor on the backstay? I never have seen one. For me I would do this just above the split backstay fitting. Advantage is I can just use my 15 ft folding ladder while at my berth to safely reach the height.
I expect that the mainsail might skew the results a bit. But I am more interested in knowing wind velocity rather than apparent wind direction --- since I can readily see that by looking up at the mast top windex.
Also with the simplicity of the install, I could first experiment with a ~$100 wireless home type anemometer and receiving station. The display could either be in the cabin, or I can affix -- with some weather protection cover -- on my pedestal.
Regarding one those hand-held devices. I don't want to go into the cabin to fetch. And with readings being taken at only 5-6 feet above the water and affected by null spots or vortexes in/around the cockpit, probably isn't too meaningful anyway.
I am a 100% inland waterway and a single day outing sailor. So a failure of a device intended for home use wouldn't cause an issue as it might for a boat doing extended Blue Water cruising.
Just an idea. Opinions?
The original equipment Datamarine wind display is still mounted on the outside bulkhead next to my companionway. But the stuff on the mast top and the wiring down is long gone.
Has anybody mounted a wind sensor on the backstay? I never have seen one. For me I would do this just above the split backstay fitting. Advantage is I can just use my 15 ft folding ladder while at my berth to safely reach the height.
I expect that the mainsail might skew the results a bit. But I am more interested in knowing wind velocity rather than apparent wind direction --- since I can readily see that by looking up at the mast top windex.
Also with the simplicity of the install, I could first experiment with a ~$100 wireless home type anemometer and receiving station. The display could either be in the cabin, or I can affix -- with some weather protection cover -- on my pedestal.
Regarding one those hand-held devices. I don't want to go into the cabin to fetch. And with readings being taken at only 5-6 feet above the water and affected by null spots or vortexes in/around the cockpit, probably isn't too meaningful anyway.
I am a 100% inland waterway and a single day outing sailor. So a failure of a device intended for home use wouldn't cause an issue as it might for a boat doing extended Blue Water cruising.
Just an idea. Opinions?