Mooring from GA to NC

Dec 22, 2024
Jeanneau 64 Jamestown Harbor, RI
I'm making plans to move my Jeanneau 64 from Fort Lauderdale to Newport, RI this Spring. I'm going to make a couple weekend jumps in April, and I want to use a mooring instead of a slip at each stop. Is anyone aware of a marina that offers mooring for 65'LOA sailboat in the SouthEast (GA, SC, NC, VA)? Thanks for your assistance.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Probably the best 2 resources for dock information are Waterway Guide and Subscribe to the online version of WaterwayGuide, about $10 a month, cancel anytime. has pretty much cornered the market on marina bookings. Convenient and easy to use.

Moorings are pretty few and far apart, most marinas are slips. Safe Harbor in Beaufort, SC has moorings and the St Augustine Municipal marina has moorings. I just came down from the NE to GA and those are the only ones I remember. On the Chesapeake Annapolis City has moorings. There are plenty of anchorages between FL and NC.

There is a lot of shoaling in the low country of SC and GA. The AquaMaps app has the best and most recent soundings. Invaluable on the ICW. Also follow Bob423 on Facebook for current information.

Enjoy the trip. The Low Country is one of my favorite places.
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Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
You may be able to take advantage of the Jensen Beach Mooring Field just South of the Jensen Beach Causeway. It is well protected from the "Northers" and close to supplies. I don't know the cost. You would enter the St. Lucie Inlet.
What is your air draft? You would have to pass under the Stuart Causeway Bridge (Ernest F. Lyons Fixed Bridge) Vertical Clearance 65 Ft.
There are also Moorings and anchoring on the West Side of the Roosevelt, A1A and Railroad bridge on the St. Lucie River.


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
As above, you might not be able to access the ICW on a 65' boat. Many of the inlets have bridges less than 65', and the inlets can be shallower with poor charting, as the shoaling moves about with each storm.
On the other hand, with a big boat like that, you should be able to make a consistent 10 knots and, if you ride the Stream, 12 to 14, going outside. With that kind of speed, you should be able to make Charleston, SC in 2 days. That is an unencumbered inlet that can be sailed into, if necessary, and anchoring is allowed and safe.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge–Tunnel entrance to the Chesapeake Bay is also a fairly easy entrance that can be sailed into, most likely with an anchorage in the area.
Then it's only a bit over 500 miles, or less than 2 days, to Newport.
You didn't ask, but I would recommend that you use your anchor instead of a mooring. Since your anchor tackle is the most important bit of safety gear you have on your boat, it should be safer than using a mooring with no guaranty or insurance.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
I didn’t ask OP but his water draft could be limiting in the ICW too.
OP didn’t ask but hopping up the coast involves fairly long approaches from the Ocean to the inlets. To be in deep water off the Atlantic coast you might have to be from five to twenty miles off the coast. That could mean from 1/2 to 2 hours going East/West at the beginning or end of a day. That can eat up a lot of time you could be heading North.
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Nov 8, 2007
Hunter 27_75-84 Sandusky Harbor Marina, Ohio
Internet search shows your draft at 9' 8". If that is correct, the ICW may be too shallow in some stretches.
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Dec 22, 2024
Jeanneau 64 Jamestown Harbor, RI
Thank you, Dlockner, Shemandr, Capta and David! I appreciate your thoughtful input. This is very helpful information. I'll post my findings. Cheers!