mast tabernacle off-center

Dec 21, 2016
Capri MK II (2005). I have just noticed that this new-to-me boat has a mast tabernacle that is off center fore and aft. Looking forward from the cockpit, it is angled about 10 degrees to port. I think this off-center mast base, is contributing to difficulty in getting the mast straight laterally.

Looking down below, the mast support pole bracket is also missaligned as I would expect, if the mast base does not have a slot for side-to-side adjustment. It appears it came this way from the factory. I am wondering if anyone can confirm a similar experience?

Feb 16, 2017
yes pictures......after you do the following:

Take a 4 to 6 foot level, butt it up to the forward or aft of the tabernacle center it side to side. Then measure from the headstay to the each end of the level, that will show you how far off it is.

Dec 21, 2016
Here is a picture. The offset measures 8-9 degrees to port. Rather than the centerline of the bracket pointing to the forestay, it points to the port deck cleat.

Anyone else have this on their MK II ?


Feb 16, 2017
At best I can tell the mast has been lifted reset using different holes.
you have two options and but require lifting the mast step.

1. Use a router, cut and remove the area under the mast step. Save the glass deck portion. Remove and discard the factory filler, wood, and any other materials. Replace materials with either factory original materials, or the preferred way is to use either new glass and G10. Or layup lots of glass. Using any type of wood is not recommended. Then reinstall the original top piece of deck.
2. After removing step fill void to level it back with deck, with West Systems Epoxy and Milled fibers and cover with a 3/16'' Stainless Steel plate about the same perimeter as the raised deck footprint is, and seal it with either 3M 4200 or Sekoflex.

The latter option is a good requires less work but not a true permanent repair. I can tell the step has been lifted already.

I am going to do a combination of both options this fall with my boat. I will be documenting all of that on this site.

I have a quick question does any water come out from under the step when the mast is shaken really hard?
Jul 22, 2013
Catalina Capri 22 Mk II Salem Harbor
That's a heck of picture. The grayish bedding compound oozeing out from under the tabernacle is new to me, that is, not factory. Also, your picture is consistent with your description, i.e., pointing to the port bow cleat. The cure described by odj22sailor sounds right yet labor/time intensive. Any way of contacting the prior owner and asking "WTF" ?
Wooster whose boat issues pale in comparison
Jan 22, 2008
Catalina Capri-18 Dallas TX
Like wooster said, that sounds like a whole lot of work.

How about just lift the tabernacle, clean up the mess, fill the holes (epoxy and glass) and redrill.

Potential gotchas - the mast support is crooked? So have to do the same thing at the bottom
of the mast support.


Capri 22 Mod
Dec 13, 2015
Catalina Capri 22 1139 Mamaroneck, NY
I would take the mast off and assuming the compression post and deck is ok redrill holes thru the mast step base to properly align mast. Good luck!


Nov 21, 2012
Catalina Capri 22
I noticed on my Capri that the holes in the tabernacle were elongated -- port to starboard. Just loosen up and slide to port or starboard as required.
Being off by 1/4" probably doesn't make much difference anyway..

Feb 16, 2017
If the problem is not repaired it will rear its ugly head in time and will be More expensive.....Here is another shortcut to the repair

use a 3/4" hole saw inside of the foot print of the step. Do not go all the way through.
Fill with epoxy and milled fibers. Level indentation in deck. Re install step.

This will create very strong compression post in the deck it stop the collapsing. By filling the indentation it will stop the water from puddling which caused all of the damage to began with.

Dec 21, 2016
It is not the fix that I was asking about (already done that by replacing the tabernackle and re-drilling slightly). The mast base is very near perfectly straight now, BUT the top 8 feet or so of the mast is now off center, so it appears that the spar could have developed a "set" over the years.

My reason for posting was .. has anyone else seen this? Not that it really matters a lot, but I would like to know if it could have come from the factory like this. It appears that it could have, since the support pole upper and lower brackets basically match the offset of the old tabernacle.

thanks for the comments