Mast support while trailering & trailering with boom attached

Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
Six months ago I purchased a 2009 Mac 26 M and I'm basically new to sailing as well. I recently earned a US Sailing Basic Keel Boat Certification; Just saying so you know where I'm at, that is a long ways from being an old salt. Two questions:
1. I've noticed that when I'm trailering the boat, mast positioned properly for a 26 M, there is a lot of flop in the mast's mid section as you travel over rough roads. I have the mast tied down with a rope from the starboard rear quarter deck cleat over and around the mast back to the port quarter deck cleat-- trucker hitch for tensioning. The mast is attached at the pulpit and resting on the roller over the transom in the normal manner. I noticed in a You Tube video that some fellow had built a rest that he bolted in place at the mast step upon which he rested or maybe tied down the mast when trailering, I assume to prevent this flopping. Is this a good practice?
2. Does anyone travel with their boom attached to and tied up to the mast? It seems like it might make the mast considerably heavier to handle and raise. I am using a factory mast raising gin pole setup.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
1. I've noticed that when I'm trailering the boat, mast positioned properly for a 26 M, there is a lot of flop in the mast's mid section as you travel over rough roads. I have the mast tied down with a rope from the starboard rear quarter deck cleat over and around the mast back to the port quarter deck cleat-- trucker hitch for tensioning. The mast is attached at the pulpit and resting on the roller over the transom in the normal manner. I noticed in a You Tube video that some fellow had built a rest that he bolted in place at the mast step upon which he rested or maybe tied down the mast when trailering, I assume to prevent this flopping. Is this a good practice?
Need a photo of your trailering set-up, but, no, you don't want the mast flexing. Like that youtube, you should engineer a support for the midsection.

2. Does anyone travel with their boom attached to and tied up to the mast? It seems like it might make the mast considerably heavier to handle and raise. I am using a factory mast raising gin pole setup.
While the gin pole should handle the added weight, I don't see any point in this configuration. Easy enough to stow the boom in the cabin for trailering.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
The PO of my Mac26S made the same type of mid support from a 2X4.
I don't think you can even drop the mast with the boom still attached, much less travel with it that way. I wouldn't do it.
Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
With a little luck I think you have a jpeg to look at now. I do not have a better close in image but you may be able to blow this one up enough to see what you need to see (maybe not as it is inserted). I have two smaller cradles to hold the top portion of the foresail atop the mast and a large cradle that goes beyond the mast and the pulpit to support the roller drum/foil and bottom portion of the jib. The cradles are made of 1/4 plywood that "snap" over either side of the mast glued and screwed to a 3/4 in piece of 1 X4 cut and tapered to make this V shape (smaller over the mast and larger on top for the sail). The whole works wants to roll because the mast pivots but I have found you can lean the mast slightly (10-15 degrees) to one side and tie the step off to the pulpit on the opposite side and it rides nicely down the road. "ATSA" for, "thats a good boat or thats my boat" formerly belonged to a good Italian fellow and she has recently undergone a name change to "La Pearla Azul" or The Blue Pearl. I thought it a nice name though I don't have a drop of Spanish blood in me...that I know of.
2016-06-30 14.36.26.jpg
Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
My V-222 came with a mid support that attached to the mast step. My 26d did not. As I recall the manual suggests tying the mast to the mast step, thus stopping the mast from rising above the neutral position and eliminating most of the mast bounce. I've used that method for several hundred miles with no ill effects. I do think that the middle support is better and plan to incorporate one before we move across country.
Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
Thanks everyone. I think I see a pattern developing here. By some means secure or support the center of the mast for trailering and take the boom off and carry it in the cabin. I don't think you could have a center mast support and leave the boom on anyway. Just for the record everyone confirmed what I was already thinking.
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Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
On our 26c, we made a "V" in the end of a 2x4, with two holes as per the attached drawing. The 2x4 bolted to the mast step on the deck, and a length of 1" web strap with a gripper clip on the end was fed through the upper hole and wrapped to the mast, securing it to the 2x4.
Fast, and effective, it wasn't even painted and lasted for 15 years.

Mast Support.jpg
Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
On our 26c, we made a "V" in the end of a 2x4, with two holes as per the attached drawing. The 2x4 bolted to the mast step on the deck, and a length of 1" web strap with a gripper clip on the end was fed through the upper hole and wrapped to the mast, securing it to the 2x4.
Fast, and effective, it wasn't even painted and lasted for 15 years.

View attachment 126975
Simple, Effective. I like simple and effective plus proven over 15 years. I'm going to do it. I'm type A so it will get spar varnish or paint haven't decided which. :)


Aug 18, 2015
Currently Boatless Okinawa
Jerry, I haven't read the thread but my, what a great paint job!
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
Here's a picture, I missed something. (it's been a couple of years, amazing I even remember owning the boat!) The bolts holding down the tabernacle hit the bottom of the 2x4 and it needs to be raised up a bit, as you can see in the picture, there are two joiner straps from the local lumber supplier, one on each side that are bolted to the 2x4, raising it up a bit. You can also see the red strap wrapped around the mast.
Feb 5, 2009
Gloucester 20 Kanawha River, Winfield, WV
I noticed in a You Tube video that some fellow had built a rest that he bolted in place at the mast step upon which he rested or maybe tied down the mast when trailering, I assume to prevent this flopping.
Mine's made of PVC pipe. The vertical piece goes in the mast step (slot & pin type) and the mast rests on a half piece that's glued on top.
Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
Here's a picture, I missed something. (it's been a couple of years, amazing I even remember owning the boat!) The bolts holding down the tabernacle hit the bottom of the 2x4 and it needs to be raised up a bit, as you can see in the picture, there are two joiner straps from the local lumber supplier, one on each side that are bolted to the 2x4, raising it up a bit. You can also see the red strap wrapped around the mast.
View attachment 126980
Aside from the clearance issue, I would think it would distribute the up and down loads over more area and make the block last longer which apparently it did, 15 years or so. I have one already made up. I'll see if I cleared the bolt heads and if not, I know the solution. Thank you.
Mar 12, 2016
Macgregor 26M Local Freshwater Lakes
That should be gelcoat. You could get the M with a white or blue hull. Looks great when it's kept up. :thumbup:
Correct. It was original in this color and it is indeed Gel Coat. The hull is nearly perfect. I have a little oxidation on the aft port quarter that I believe can be removed with a 3M Product. Apparently it took some sun there, somewhere, for a significant length of time. I have two or three small chips in the rudders that I'm in the process repairing and the rudders will be re gel coated following the advice of Hamilton Marine. Thanks for the compliment. Makes my sore shoulders feel better. That "Wax On -- Wax Off" is some serious business when you are working on a 26 foot boat and your 66 years old.