Mast Stepping Hardware

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Jun 19, 2004
- - portland
I have almost purchased a 27 ft Ericson. I am hesitant until I know that the mast can be sufficiently modified to allow a hinge or other hardware to be installed to allow me to step the mast and trailer it. Where is the hardware to be found or ?
Jun 16, 2004
- - noggin
mast up gear

I don't know anything about E27's,is it a deck steped mast now? if so you can make a rig (bridel)and "A" frame to get it up & down with out a crain your self even if it was not designed to do so,however it dose take some eng. to get things right. If it is keel steped it would take a lot extra mods to make any kind of trailsailor of that boat!
May 24, 2004
Ericson Ericson 25 Alameda
Mast steping

No problem as an ericson 27 is deck steped. You have lots of options as far at hinges go. Check out a dweyer catalog or have one custom made by any metal shop that can work stainless steel. What is the width and length of the mast at the bottom? Using an A-frame built of aluminum box tube would be perfect. Good luck and get the boat and enjoy it. Check out as well. Lots of good ericson info there. Ryan
May 24, 2004
Ericson E-23 Smith Mt. Lake
Mast Hinge Source

If your boat uses the 6.5" x 3.25" section mast that is common on many of 70's Ericsons, you can use the Dwyer hinge #2150 - check They were a little over 50 bucks last year. I installed one on my E23 and it works real well. You have to attach the original standard deck base casting to the mast, and bolt the upper plate of the hinge to that, then bolt the bottom plate of the hinge to the deck/cabintop where the original base casting went. I can send you some pics if you want.
Jun 25, 2004
Corsair F24 Mk1 003 San Francisco Bay, CA
Mast hinge from Ballenger Spars

I added a hinged mast step from Ballenger Spars to my 1977 Catalina 27. I also have a Dwyer style tabernacle on my Potter 19. For a heavier mast like your 27, I'd recommend the Ballenger hinge, part # M30, which is made of very thick stainless steel. The Dwyer hinges are not as sturdy and could be bent more easily if the mast sways sideways during raising or lowering. Here's a pic of the Ballenger hinge. You bolt the OEM mast step on the top half of the hinge, and fix the bottom half in the deck. You can see the original Catalina 27 OEM mast step sitting on top of it: <img src=""> Here's another pic: <img src=""> For details of how I installed the hinge on the cabintop and links to Ballenger Spar, go to Here's a pic of the hinge installed on the mast: <img src = ""> For details of how I installed the mast step in the base of the mast, go to Hope this helps.
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