Mast hinge from Ballenger Spars
I added a hinged mast step from Ballenger Spars to my 1977 Catalina 27. I also have a Dwyer style tabernacle on my Potter 19.For a heavier mast like your 27, I'd recommend the Ballenger hinge, part # M30, which is made of very thick stainless steel. www.ballengerspars.comThe Dwyer hinges are not as sturdy and could be bent more easily if the mast sways sideways during raising or lowering.Here's a pic of the Ballenger hinge. You bolt the OEM mast step on the top half of the hinge, and fix the bottom half in the deck. You can see the original Catalina 27 OEM mast step sitting on top of it:<img src="">Here's another pic:<img src="">For details of how I installed the hinge on the cabintop and links to Ballenger Spar, go to's a pic of the hinge installed on the mast:<img src = "">For details of how I installed the mast step in the base of the mast, go to this helps.