Mast rivets?


Jun 25, 2015
MacGregor 26D Saratoga Springs
Dropping my mast last fall, I broke the tab that holds the shroud in place when raising and lowering the mast. I purchased replacement tabs, but I am trying to figure out how to mount them on the mast.


Is this a speciality rivet that needs drilled out and replaced? If it needs replaced, where do I get some?

I had a couple of solutions brought forward like just using electrical tape to raise the mast to using a self-tapping screw in the existing mounting hole. I would really like to use the OEM solution if available.
Sep 17, 2018
Hunter 23.5 Charleston, SC
High-quality pop rivets. Aluminum or Stainless. Drill and replace. Going back to your other post, I'm pretty sure that US Spars includes rivets with most parts. But West Marine also has a wide selection of rivets.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
If you use SS rivets coat the barrel with Tef-Gel to prevent corrosion between the aluminum and SS.

No need to pay West Marine prices for rivets. This is not a highly loaded application, it simply keeps the shroud end from falling out of the slot. Aluminum rivets would work and avoid the corrosion issue. If it should ever break, just re-rivet it.
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
I had that problem with my H25.5. I would hold them in place with blue tape before raising the mast. This is a good solution.
I have not seen one of these. Can you reach with your finger and feel what is inside below the button? I believe it is a press fit fixture. You may not need to remove it. Consider heating the plastic tab with heat gun and pressing onto the button.