Mast Light Wiring Woes!

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Michael Ruth

PART 1) My mast light and mounting has come off of its wiring. The wire is - you guessed it - somewhere in the mast! oops. Well, I took the mast down, and I wonder how to fish it out again now that it's horizontal, so I can re-attach! Any technique tips? PART 2) The real stumper: The female junction that comes out of the deck at the base of the mast has snapped off (thanks uncle joe) from the deck wiring. I now have two TINY wire stumps sticking out of the deck. I tried to give them a pull (after pulling up the silicone caulk), but they're not coming out. Is there any extra wire coiled in there? Where the heck do you get at it when the wire's between the hollows in the deck? I only need a bit so i can attach a new female junction. Help?


Fish Tape

The easiest way to do this is with an electrician's fish tape. A fish tape is really a length of stiff steel tape (well, thicker than tape) with a loop on the end and a reel to hold it. To use, insert end in pipe, conduit or mast and push through. No sweat. I bought mine from Home Depot for around $10, its a 50 footer and should do the job for you. With the mast up you can do the job with a bicycle chain as is often suggested but you can still use the fish tape and you can do it from the bottom too so that the end is there to meet you when you go up the mast.
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